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. 2019 Dec 5;9(69):40404–40423. doi: 10.1039/c9ra08457f

Summary of the effects of different types of metal oxide nanoparticles (MONPs) and non-metal oxide nanoparticles (only SiO2NPs) used as elicitors of specialized metabolites in different plant species.

NPs Size of NPs (nm) Effective conc. of NPs Plant species Culture type Growth media/conditions Effects on specialized metabolites Phytotoxicity References
CuO 1 ppm Withania somnifera Shoot and root MS media Total phenolic (27.31 mg g−1 DW), flavonoid (91.11 mg g−1 DW), and tannin (32.02 mg g−1 DW), contents were increased 70
CuO 25–55 3 mg L−1 Gymnema sylvestre Cell suspension MS media 2-Fold increase in production of phenolic and flavonoids whereas 2.3 fold increase in gymnemic acid 64
CuO Brassica rapa Hairy root culture 14% increase in production of glucosinolates (gluconasturtiin, glucobrassicin, 4-methoxyglucobrassicin, neoglucobrassicin, 4-hydroxyglucobrassicin, glucoallysin, glucobrassicanapin, sinigrin, progoitrin, and gluconapin) and phenolic compounds (flavonols, hydroxybenzoic and hydroxycinnamic acids) 71
CuO 1 ppm Cichorium intybus Shoot and root MS media Total phenolic (28.171 mg g−1 DW), flavonoid (9.450 mg g−1 DW) contents were increased 72
CuO 47 5 mg L−1 Trigonella foenum-graecum Seed germination MS media Total phenolic (3.2 μg QE per mg DW) and flavonoid (3.7 μg QE per mg DW) contents were enhanced Shoot and root growth was inhibited at higher concentration (400 mg L−1) 69
CuO 25–55 Brassica rapa Seedlings Increased level of reactive oxygen species (ROS), hydrogen peroxide, malondialdehyde (MDA), glucosinolate, proline, anthocyanin (1.3 fold) and phenolic (1.1-fold) compounds Concentration of chlorophyll, sugar and carotenoid decreased 63
ZnO 300, 500 ppm Solanum tuberosum Plants Potting soil Total phenolic (99.1 mg g−1 FW) and anthocyanin (3.28 mg g−1 FW) contents were increased 77
ZnO 25–100 mg L−1 Lilium ledebourii Shoot MS media Enhanced production of total flavonoid (25 mg L−1) phenolics (75 mg L−1) and anthocyanin (100 mg L−1) 73
ZnO 75 mg L−1 Echinacea purpurea Callus MS media Increase in total flavonoid (23.25 mg g−1 DW) content 76
ZnO 34 1.0 mg L−1 Stevia rebaudiana Shoot MS media Increased production of total phenolic, flavonoids and steviol glycosides (88.21 mg g−1 DW) 78
ZnO 100 mg L−1 Hyoscyamus reticulatus Hairy root MS media Production of tropane alkaloids (1.2 fold) and total phenolic contents (3.2 fold) were increased 18
ZnO 1 μM Glycyrrhiza glabra Seedling growth Hoagland's solution Both ZnO and CuO resulted in increased content of glycyrrhizin, phenolic, flavonoids, anthocyanins and tannins 75
CuO 1 μM
ZnO 100 mg L−1 Stevia rebaudiana Callus MS media Both ZnO and CuO treatments resulted in increase of total phenolic (5.06 lg mg−1 of DW), and flavonoid (2.23 lg mg−1 of DW) contents 79
CuO 10 mg L−1
ZnO 18–20 100–1000 mg L−1 Solanum melongena Seed germination Filter paper Total phenolic, flavonoid and anthocyanin contents were increased in a dose-dependent manner in response to all three types of NPs Seedling growth was suppressed 80
NiO 10–20
CuO 25–55
Fe3O4 450, 900 mg L−1 Hyoscyamus reticulatus Hairy root MS media 5-Fold increase in production of hyoscyamine and scopolamine 20
Fe3O4 20 30 ppb Lepidum sativum Plants Field conditions Increase in total essential oil (133%), phenolic (13027 mg GAE per g), and flavonoid (453 mg QE per g) contents 81
Fe3O4 100 ppb Hypericum perforatum Cell suspension MS media Both ZnO and Fe2O3 nanoparticles resulted in enhanced production of hypericin (3-fold) and hyperforin (13-fold) 83
Fe3O4 50 mg L−1 Cichorium intybus Hairy root MS media Total phenolic (4.65 mg g−1 DW) and flavonoid (77.34 μg g−1 DW) contents were increased in response to Fe3O4NPs while ZnONPs have no significant effect on specialized metabolites production 82
ZnO 50 mg L−1
TiO2 10–15 100, 200 mg L−1 Salvia officinalis Seedlings growth Potting mix Monoterpenes (camphene, p-cymene, 1,8-cineol, cis-thujene, camphor) and total phenolic (35.2 mg GAE per g DW) and flavonoid (21.9 mg CE per g DW) contents were enhanced in response to 200 mg L−1 and 100 mg L−1 concentration respectively 90
TiO2 10–15 20, 80 mg L−1 Hyoscyamus niger Plantlets Potting mix Enhanced production of tropane alkaloids (hyoscyamine; 0.286 g kg−1 and in response to 20 mg L−1 and scopolamine; 0.126 g kg−1) in response to 80 mg L−1 conc. 91
TiO2 6.0 mg L−1 Cicer arietinum Embryonic callus MS media Increased production of phenolic compounds such as gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, o-coumaric acid, tannic acid and cinnamic acid 89
TiO2 120 mg L−1 Aleo vera Cell suspension MS media Aloin contents (118%) were increased 35
TiO2 25 50, 100 ppm Dracocephalum moldavica Field cultivation Luteolin 7-O-glucoside (2.1 mg g−1 FW), rosmarinic acid (0.32 mg g−1 FW), p-cumaric acid (8.9 mg g−1 FW), ellagitannin (4.3 mg g−1 FW), gentisic (10.21 mg g−1 FW), chlorogenic acid (32.12 mg g−1 FW), and caffeic acid (8.23 mg g−1 FW) concentration were increased Gentisic acid contents were reduced 92
CeO2 8 250 mg kg−1 Raphanus sativus Seed germination Potting soil 32% increase in antioxidant compounds but no effect on total phenolic and flavonoid contents 95
CeO2 33.05 0.1 mM Solanum lycopersicum Hydroponic culture Hoagland solution 37% increase in total chlorophyll and 26% in carotenoid content was observed 96
CeO2 1000 mg L−1 Arabidopsis thaliana Plantlets Potting mix Antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, and peroxidase) concentrations were elevated along with phenolic (27%) compounds 97
Al2O3 50 40 μg mL−1 Nicotiana tabacum Cell suspension MS media Increase in total phenolic contents (62%) Decreased cell density and viability 98
CdO 7–60 2.03 × 105 particles cm−3 Hordeum vulgare Plantlets Soil, water Ferulic acid (30%) and isovitexin (183%) were increased 99
Mn2O3 25 mg L−1 Atropa belladonna Shoot-tip MS media Increase in production of alkaloids (23%), total phenolic (12%) and flavonoid (32%) contents 100
SiO2 100 Dracocephalum kotschyi Hairy root MS media Almost 2-fold increase in rosmarinic acid, xanthomicrol, isokaempferide and cirsimaritin increased 101
SiO2 100 mg L−1 Nigella sativa Plants at flowering stage Foliar spray Elicitation of thymoquinone (2.9 mg g−1 DW) production by up-regulating the expression of geranyl diphosphate synthase gene 102
TiO2 100 mg L−1