Fig. 2. GABA+ spectroscopy results.
a Sum of individual GABA voxels projected into MNI space overlaid on standard brain template. Color coding indicates overlay agreement in percentage of all available images within group. Neurological display (i.e., coronal and axial view with left side on the left and right side on the right of image). b Individual edited spectra for LEFT S/M1, RIGHT S/M1, and OCC voxel color-coded for older (blue) and young (yellow) participants. Darker lines present average spectra per group (orange—young, dark blue—older). c Boxplots (lower/upper whiskers represent smallest/largest observation greater than or equal to lower hinge ± 1.5 * inter-quartile range (IQR), lower/upper hinge reflects 25%/75% quantile, the lower edge of notch = median − 1.58 * IQR/ sqrt(n), middle of notch reflects group median) and distributions shown for the interaction effect of group and voxel on GABA+, which is driven by the differences between the occipital voxel and both sensorimotor voxels within the older in addition to the between age group differences for both sensorimotor voxels. Asterisks indicate significant effects of model-derived marginal mean contrasts corrected for multiple comparisons at ***pholm < 0.0001. d Age-group specific effect of raw gray matter (GM) fraction on GABA+ levels. Scatterplot (regression lines for subgroups with shading representing 95% CI) showing a relative decrease in GABA+ levels with increasing raw GM fraction in the older across all voxels (pholm < 0.0001). The analysis of GABA+ concentration included data from N = 22 older and N = 22 young participants for LEFT S/M1 and OCC voxels and from N = 21 older and N = 21 young for RIGHT S/M1.