Figure 3.
MiR-26a attenuates Ca2+ responses in PACs
(A–J) Representative traces and response areas (200–800 s) of Ca2+ oscillations or sustained Ca2+ plateaus induced by ACh (50 nM) (A and B), CCK (10 nM) (C and D), TLCS (200 μM) (E and F), CCK (100 nM) (G and H), or TLCS (500 μM) (I and J) in PACs isolated from 26a DKO (A, C, E, G, and I), Hprt Tg (B, D, F, H, and J), and control mice. (K and L) Representative traces and response areas (200–800 s) of sustained Ca2+ plateaus induced with 500 μM TLCS in isolated WT (K) and 26a DKO (L) PACs pre-treated with HEPES (Ctrl), Trpc3 inhibitor (Pyr3, 3 μM), Trpc6 inhibitor (SAR7334, 50 nM), or both for 30 min. Data are shown as mean ± SEM. All experiments were from three or more independent repeats which yielded a sum of 30–40 cells per group.