Nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence for the p5064 FOX-5 region. Nucleotides 1 to 520 correspond to the sequence of the ISAS2 transposase, which is shown in italic type. Bold type indicates the transposase nucleotide and amino acid differences from the data reported by Gustafson et al. The FOX-5 transcription start is marked with an arrow, and putative −10 and −35 regions are underlined. The sequence used for the primer extension experiment is underlined. The FOX-5 putative ribosome-binding site is double underlined. The sequence downstream of the FOX-5 translational stop is from a second FOX-5 clone that extended past the EagI site. Elements of ISAS2, i.e., the imperfect inverted repeat and CTG, are underlined and bold, respectively (12).