Fig. 2. CSF flows through perivascular space of skull channels into the marrow.
a, Intravital microscopy (IVM) image of intracisternally (IC) injected ovalbumin in the perivascular space of a dural vessel labeled with IV dextran (scale: 50 μm, n=3 from 2 experiments). b, IVM of intracisternally injected ovalbumin in the perivascular space of a marrow vessel (scale: 50 μm, n=3 from 2 experiments). c, Transmission electron microscopy of skull channel (scale: 10 μm). Inset of perivascular space (scale: 2 μm, n=6 from 2 experiments). d, Ex-vivo z-stack (54 μm stack at 1 μm/step) of interior frontal and parietal skull cortex after IC and IV dextran. Bone visualized by second harmonic generation around channels (circles). d’ and d’’ depict IC-tracer negative and positive channels (scale: 50 μm, 20 μm, n=3 from 2 experiments). e, Number of CSF-containing channels (mean ± SD; n=3; P value represents Mann-Whitney, two-sided rank test). f, Relative frequency of CSF-containing channels compared to non-CSF containing channels (n=3). g, IVM after indicated IC tracer injection and IV dextran (scale: 50 μm, n=3–5/group; scale: 50 μm).