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. 2022 Apr 25;10:867138. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2022.867138



Selected autoradiography images (8, 12, 18, 24, 48, and 168 h post dose) of tissue distribution of in the whole rat body after single-dose oral administration at 100 mg/kg [14C]PPI-1011. The abbreviations are: AB, adipose brown; AS, adipose subcutaneous; AV, adipose visceral; AB-vw, adipose brown:vessel wall; as-2, adipose-soaked:epididymis; as-3, adipose-soaked:testis; as-4, adipose-soaked:salivary gland; AG, adrenal gland; Bl, blood; BM, bone marrow; Br, brain; CP, choroid plexus; GM, gastric mucosa; HG, harderian gland; It-W, intestinal tract wall; K, kidney; L, liver; LN, lymph node; Lu, lung; M, myocardium; Mu, muscle; NT, nasal tubinates; P, pancreas; Pi, pineal gland; Pt, pituitary gland; SC, spinal cord; SG, salivary gland; Sp, spleen; Te, testis; Tm thymus; Ty, thyroid.