Figure 2.
Model performance is highly sensitive to the types of dynamical features available to the coupled dynamical network, with high FC–FC found near bifurcations and where external inputs have strong dynamical responses. (A–C) FC–FC score between model and data is plotted as a heat map in G–Be space for the three model regimes considered here (see text): (A) “Fixed-point” regime, (B) “Hysteresis” regime, and (C) “Limit-cycle” regime. Corresponding Jtot–E bifurcation diagrams [cf. Equation (4)] for each regime are shown in the right-hand panels (D–F), showing stable E fixed points (solid), unstable E fixed points (dotted), and minima and maxima of limit-cycle oscillations (solid lines with shading). Dashed vertical lines represent the minimum Jtot corresponding to selected Be values. Gray horizontal lines represent the range of Jtot values across regions and time for a sample simulation from the corresponding point in G–Be space annotated in (A–C). Parameter values for each regime are in Supplementary Table S2.