Figure 6.
Modeling spatial variation in local excitatory and inhibitory cell densities produces complex distributed dynamics. (A) Bifurcation diagrams are plotted for all cortical areas according to their excitatory and inhibitory cell densities. Regions are colored according to their labeled anatomical grouping and the homogeneous case (Re = Ri = 0) is shown in black for comparison. (B) The type of equilibrium dynamics displayed by a given cortical region, limit cycle (blue) or fixed point (red), is plotted as a function of Je−Be for all cortical regions for the range of Je−Be they experience across the model simulation. Nodes are ordered as per Supplementary Table S1 and shading reflects the six anatomical groupings labeled in A. Dashed lines shown at the top correspond to the uniform case (Re = Ri = 0) for comparison. (C) Simulated time series for all brain areas are plotted as a heat map. Colors annotated to the right label the six anatomical groupings listed in A. (D) Simulated functional connectivity matrix. (E) FC–FC score as a function of the scaling parameter, σ, Equation (6). Results are shown for the model constrained by excitatory and inhibitory cell-density data (blue) and the permutation-based null distribution shown as mean ± standard deviation (red).