Immunoblots and quantification of lysates from Cos‐1 cells transfected with plasmid pCI‐HA‐∆N‐DGKk, untransfected (NT), or plasmid pCI control, with the indicated amount of plasmid (µg) and after 24 h, incubated with puromycin (20 µg/ml, 30 min) to measure rates of protein synthesis. GAPDH was used as a loading control. 0 indicates no puromycin treatment, −/+ indicates treatment without or with DGK inhibitor (DGKi) 3 µM
R59022 and 0.2 µM
R59949 at 6 µM, 15 min. Densitogram of puromycin incorporation is presented as change relative to mock transfected conditions. Each point represents data from an individual culture, and all values are shown as mean ± SEM.
P values were calculated using one‐way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparison test. *
P < 0.05; **
P < 0.01; ***
P < 0.001.