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. 2022 Apr 25;9:871697. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.871697

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of the study population according to sex.

Variables Total (n = 1,787) Male (n = 902) Female (n = 885) P -value
Age, years 45.0 (25.0) 44.0 (24.0) 46.0 (24.5) 0.310
Height, m 1.68 (0.13) 1.74 (0.08) 1.62 (0.05) <0.001
Weight, kg 65.0 (15.0) 70.0 (14.0) 60.0 (10.0) <0.001
BMI, kg/m2 23.1 (4.1) 23.4 (4.1) 22.9 (4.3) <0.001
Normal weight, n (%) 1284 (71.9%) 630 (70.0%) 654 (73.9)
Overweight, n (%) 434 (24.3%) 237 (26.3%) 197 (22.3%)
Obese, n (%) 69 (3.8%) 35 (3.9%) 34 (3.8%)
L3-VATA, cm2 90.6 (100.2) 120.9 (104.9) 67.2 (79.8) <0.001
L3-VATI, cm2/m2 32.2 (34.5) 39.1 (34.8) 25.6 (29.8) <0.001
L3-SATA, cm2 129.9 (79.9) 116.9 (66.1) 146.7 (86.5) <0.001
L3-SATI, cm2/m2 45.6 (29.1) 38.8 (21.6) 55.8 (33.4) <0.001
L3-TATA, cm2 233.1 (155.9) 244.0 (154.1) 221.0 (148.9) 0.004
L3-TATI, cm2/m2 82.1 (53.4) 81.2 (51.6) 83.7 (57.2) 0.003
Visceral obesity (VAT ≥ 100 cm2), % 817 (45.7%) 548 (60.8%) 269 (30.4%) <0.001

Data are presented as median (interquartile range) for non-normally distributed continuous variables.

Categorical variables are shown as number (percentages %).