Table 2.
Summary of comparison of RECIST 1.1, irRC, irRECIST, iRECIST, PERCIST, and imPERCIST criteria for immunotherapy.
RECIST 1.1 (2009) | CR | PR | SD | PD | |
Complete disappearance of target and nontarget lesions | ⩾30% decrease from baseline | Neither PD, PR nor CR | ⩾ 20% increase in the nadir of the sum of target lesions, with a minimum of 5 mm, or new lesions | ||
irRC (2009) | irCR | irPR | irSD | irPD | |
Complete disappearance of target lesions and no new nonmeasurable lesions | Disappearance of target lesions and stable or unequivocal progression of nontarget lesions or ⩾50% decrease in target lesion and absent, stable, or unequivocal progression of nontarget lesions | <50% decrease or <25% increase of target lesions and absent, stable, or unequivocal progression of nontarget lesions | >25% increase of target lesions and any change of nontarget lesions | ||
irRECIST (2013) | Complete disappearance of target and nontarget lesions | ⩾30% decrease from baseline | Neither irPD, irPR nor irCR | ⩾20% increase in total measured tumor burden compared with nadir of progression of nontarget lesions or new lesions Confirmation of progression recommended minimum 4 weeks after the first irPD assessment |
iRECIST (2020) | iCR | iPR | iSD | iUPD | iCPD |
Complete disappearance of target and nontarget lesions. All lymph nodes must be nonpathological in size (<10 mm in SAD) |
⩾30% decrease of target lesions compared with the baseline, or in the case of complete remission of the TL, when one or more non-TL can still be distinguished | The criteria of iCR or iPR are not met and no tumor progression is present | Further progress of the target sum (⩾5 mm), or any further progress of the non-TL, and/or progress of the new measurable and not measurable lesions either in number or in size (sum ⩾ 5 mm) | An increase in the sum of all TL by at least ⩾20% (but at least ⩾ 5 mm) compared with the time point with the lowest TL sum (Nadir), or an unequivocal progression of non-TL, or by the occurrence of new measurable and/or nonmeasurable tumor lesions Need to be confirmed 4–8 weeks later; if progression is followed by tumor shrinkage, the bar is reset |
PERCIST (2009) | CMR | PMR | SMD | PMD | |
Complete disappearance of all metabolically active tumors | ⩾30% decrease of SULpeak in target lesions, and absolute drop in SUL by at least 0.8 SUL units | Neither PMD, PMR nor CMR | ⩾30% increase of SULpeak or the appearance of any new metabolically active lesions | ||
ImPERCIST (2019) | CMR | PMR | SMD | UPMD | CPMD |
Disappearance of all metabolically active tumors | ⩾30% decrease of SULpeak in target lesions, and absolute drop in SUL by at least 0.8 SUL units | Neither PMD, PMR nor CMR | ⩾30% increase of SULpeak or the appearance of any new metabolically active lesions | ⩾30% increase of SULpeak or the appearance of any new metabolically active lesions Need to be confirmed by a second PET at 4–8 weeks later; if progression is followed by PMR or SMD, the bar is reset |
CMR, complete metabolic response; CPMD, confirmed progressive metabolic disease; CR, complete remission; iCPD, immune confirmed progressive disease; iCR, immune complete remission; imPERCIST, immunotherapy-modified PERCIST; iPR, immune partial remission; irCPD, immune-related confirmed progressive disease; irCR, immune-related complete response; iRECIST, immuno-RECIST; irPD, immune-related progressive disease; irPR, immune-related partial response; irRC, immune-related response criteria; irRECIST, immune-related RECIST; irSD, immune-related stable disease; iSD, immune stable disease; iUPD, immune unconfirmed progressive disease; PD, progressive disease; PERCIST, PET response criteria in solid tumors; PET, positron emission tomography; PMD, progressive metabolic disease; PMR, partial metabolic response; PR, partial remission; RECIST, response evaluation criteria in solid tumors; SD, stable disease; SAD, short axis diameter; SMD, stable metabolic disease; SUL, standardized uptake value normalized by lean body mass; TL, target lesion; UPMD, unconfirmed progressive metabolic disease.