Figure 2.
Female patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) have higher frailty scores, despite no difference in liver fibrosis staging or age, compared with males. All participants were categorised into on the basis of gender, irrespective of the degree of liver disease. (A) Self-reported frailty index (SRFI) scores in female and male patients. (B) Lab-based frailty index (FI-LAB) scores in female and male patients. (C) 30 s sit-to-stand (30STST) scores in female and male patients. (D) Controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) measurements (dB/m) in female and male patients. (E) Liver stiffness measurement (LSM; in kPa) in female and male patients. (F) Age (in years) in female and male patients. Between-group differences were assessed using either an unpaired t test (F) or a Mann-Whitney test (A–E). ns, not significant; **p<0.01.