Consort flow diagram for patients enrolled in ADAPT+TAU versus TAU alone. Reproduced from primary outcome paper.18 This figure was published in The Journal of Pediatrics, Cunningham N, Kalomiris A, Peugh J, Farrell M, Pentiuk S, Mallon D, Le C, Moorman E, Fussner L, Dutta RA, Kashikar-Zuck S, Cognitive Behavior Therapy Tailored to Anxiety Symptoms Improves Pediatric Functional Abdominal Pain Outcomes: A Randomized Clinical Trial, Copyright Elsevier (2020).
Note: aInclusion criteria: 1) Between 9–14 years of age, 2) Diagnosed with FAPD by a gastroenterologist or primary care provider, and 3) More than minimal disability as evidenced by a total score of ≥7 on the FDI.
bParticipants meeting exclusion criteria were deemed ineligible due to mental health concerns if they demonstrated severe depressive symptoms or psychiatric concerns. Three of the 8 participants excluded demonstrated evidence of both of these mental health exclusionary criteria.