Body weight, energy intake and plasma leptin. Body weights of IRlox/lox and IRlox/lox;NPYCre/+ mice increased after 12 weeks of diet intervention in all treatment groups. Body weight was further upregulated after 12 weeks of diet in HF and HFHS groups compared to CON and HS diet group (A, B). Energy intake of IRlox/lox and IRlox/lox;NPYCre/+ mice was higher in HF and HFHS treatment groups compared to CON and HS diet group (C, D). Plasma leptin recordings of IRlox/lox and IRlox/lox;NPYCre/+ mice were higher in HF and HFHS treatment groups compared to CON and HS group. (E, F). CON = chow diet, HF = high fat diet, HS = high sugar diet, HFHS = high fat and high sugar diet. Values are expressed as mean ± SEM. * = p < 0.05. Analysed by a mixed ANOVA for body weight and a factorial ANOVA for energy intake and plasma leptin. IRlox/lox; n = 48 (12/diet group). IRlox/lox;NPYCre/+; n = 48 (12/diet group).