Blood glucose and insulin. Blood glucose levels in IRlox/lox control mice in response to peripheral glucose injection over 120 min. HF and HFHS treatment groups displayed reduced glucose tolerance in both IRlox/lox and IRlox/lox;NPYCre/+ mice compared to CON and HS groups. Insets represent arbitrary units (AU) for area under the curve (AUC) values in IRlox/lox and IRlox/lox;NPYCre/+ mice. AUC results show a main effect of diet, with HF and HFHS treatment groups displaying increased AUC following peripheral glucose injection compared to CON and HS diet groups (A, C). There was a within-subjects effect of time on insulin sensitivity within all dietary treatment groups in both IRlox/lox and IRlox/lox;NPYCre/+ mice (B, D). CON = chow diet, HF = high fat diet, HS = high sugar diet, HFHS = high fat and high sugar diet. Values are expressed as mean ± SEM. + = main effect of time, * = p < 0.05. Analysed by a mixedANOVA (A–D) and factorial ANOVA (insets of A, C) followed by Tukey’s honest significance difference (HSD) test. IRlox/lox; n = 48 (12/diet group). IRlox/lox;NPYCre/+; n = 48 (12/diet group).