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. 2022 Apr 20;63(5):440–445. doi: 10.3349/ymj.2022.63.5.440

Table 2. Baseline Characteristics and Treatment Outcomes of SWL vs. ECIRS Groups after Propensity Score Matching.

Characteristics SWL group (n=70) ECIRS group (n=70) p value
Age (yr) 53.6±14.6 56.9±13.5 0.170
Sex >0.999
Female 27 (38.6) 26 (37.1)
Male 43 (61.4) 44 (62.9)
MSL (mm) 21.4±13.2 23.7±13.9 0.331
MSD (HU) 1082.6±488.9 995.5±352 0.229
SHI (HU) 202.3±91.1 217.2±107.5 0.376
SFR 20 (28.6) 50 (71.4) <0.001
Success rate 29 (41.4) 61 (87.1) <0.001
S-ReSC score 4.73±11.62 3.41±20.5 0.354
Modified S-ReSC score 6.54±11.61 5.14±2.78 0.330
Multiple stones - 47 (67.1)
Operating room time (min) - 73.14±28.23
LOS (day) - 2 (1.25–2)
Hemoglobin change - -1.05±1.26
Creatinine change - 0.07±0.35
eGFR change - -3.83±12.30

SWL, shock-wave lithotripsy; ECIRS, endoscopic combined intrarenal surgery; MSL, maximal stone length; MSD, mean stone density; HU, Hounsfield units; SHI, stone heterogeneity index; SFR, stone-free rate; S-ReSC, Seoul National University Renal Stone Complexity; LOS, length of stay; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate.

Data are presented as means±standard deviations, numbers (percentage), or medians (interquartile range).