Real-time stability
of the SF2a-TT15 clinical batch for two different
formulations. Top panel: 2 μg carbohydrate equivalent per vaccine
dose (amount of SF2a-TT15 corresponding to 8 μg of carbohydrate
per mL). Bottom panel: 10 μg of carbohydrate equivalent per
vaccine dose (amount of SF2a-TT15 corresponding to 40 μg of
carbohydrate per mL). x-axis: Time (months), (●)
aggregation (%, average of two replicates); (■) free carbohydrate
content (% of total carbohydrate, average of three replicates, SD
< 0.1%); (▲) total carbohydrate content (μg/mL, average
of three replicates, SD < 0.1%). SD: standard deviation (not shown).