(A–C) Box plots showing a comparison of the circulatory
(A) proline and (B) glutamine levels and (C) proline to glutamine
ratio (PQR) between endometriosis (EM) patients and normal control
(NC) subjects. (D) Mean values (with standard error of mean (SEM))
of these circulatory parameters (i.e., proline, glutamine, and PQR)
in EM patients and NC subjects shown in tabulated form. (E–G)
Box plots showing a comparison of the circulatory (E) proline and
(F) glutamine levels and (G) proline to glutamine (PQR) ratio between
stage II, III, and IV endometriosis patients (E2, E3, and E4, respectively)
with respect to normal control (NC) subjects. (H) Mean values of these
circulatory parameters (i.e., proline, glutamine, and PQR) in NC subjects
and E2, E3, and E4 patients shown in tabulated form. For each box
plot, the boxes denote interquartile ranges, the horizontal line inside
the box denotes the median, and the bottom and top boundaries of the
boxes are the 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively. Lower and upper
whiskers are 5th and 95th percentiles, respectively. Note: the NMR
spectral data used for cross-validation purpose corresponds to that
used in the previous plasma based clinical metabolomics study by Vicente-Muñoz
et al.39