A) D- or L-phenyllactate was added (1 mM) to resting cell suspensions of C. sporogenes, and ATP levels were measured at indicated time points using a luciferase-based assay. B) Reductive (PPA) and oxidative (PAA) pathway end products were measured by LC-MS during D-phenyllactate metabolism. PPA, phenylpropionate; PAA, phenylacetate. C) Pathways for oxidative and reductive metabolism of phenylalanine showing the position of AcdA in the pathway. D-E) Phenylacetate (D) or phenylpropionate (E) was added (1 mM) to resting cell suspensions of C. sporogenes, and ATP levels were measured at indicated time points using a luciferase-based assay. F-H) DL-phenyllactate (F), DL-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)lactate (G), or DL-indolelactate (H) was added (1 mM) to resting cell suspensions of WT or acdA mutant C. sporogenes, and ATP levels were measured at indicated time points using a luciferase-based assay. For A-B, D-H, experiments were repeated independently three times and representative data are shown.