(A) Recombination activity of IntI1, reflected by the frequency of recombinants (FR), was estimated by determining the frequency of emergence of tobramycin-resistant recombinants, as a result of specific recombination between attC sites located on a synthetic array of two cassettes (attCaadA7-cat(T4)-attCVCR2-aac(6’)-Ib*) carried on plasmid p6851. The FR was calculated in MG/intI1 (carrying p6851 and pZE1intI1 allowing the expression of intI1 SOS-regulated) and MG/intI1* (carrying p6851 and pZE1intI1* allowing the constitutive expression of intI1), in the mouse gut and in 24-h-old-planktonic cultures. Each symbol represents the FR calculated from a single mouse exhibiting recombinants on days 2 and 3 post inoculation (n = 3 for MG/intI1 and n = 4 for MG/intI1*) and from planktonic cultures (n = 28 for MG/intI1 and n = 15 for MG/intI1*). For each condition, the average FR is shown as a black horizontal line. Transcript levels of (B) the intI1 gene in MG/intI1 and MG/intI1* and (C) the SOS regulon genes dinD, recN and sfiA, in MG/intI1 in the mouse gut and in 24-h-old-planktonic cultures are represented. Transcript levels were normalized to the housekeeping gene dxs. Error bars indicate the SD. Differences were determined using the Mann-Whitney U test. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 and ****p < 0.0001.