Extended Data Fig. 7 |. Effect of iterations on 3P fluorescence signal improvement for phase and intensity modulation-based aberration correction in the mouse brain in vivo.
a-f, 3P images of a neuron in the mouse cortex (Thy1-YFP-H), 623 μm below dura, under 1300 nm excitation, without AO correction and after running aberration measurement a total of N = 1–5 iterations. a,d Lateral and axial images of the neuron using phase and intensity modulation, respectively. Post-objective power: 20.8 (a) and 23.6 mW (d). b, e, 3P signal improvement (AO/No AO) with iterations, for phase and intensity modulation, respectively. The plotted signal is the average pixel intensity within a 16×16-pixel area around the image maximum. c,f, Corrective wavefronts measured with phase and amplitude modulation, respectively. Scale bars, 10 μm. Microscope objective: NA 1.05 25×. Representative results from 3 fields of view and 2 mice.