Table 1.
Study | Mean Age | N | Task | Recruited as a clinical control group? | Effect size (Cohen’s d) | Moderator analysis | Additional information | |
1 | Almkvist et al. (1992) | 79.3 | 18 | LB | Y (dementia) | -0.26 | A, ER, S2 | Only subjects without white matter intensities included. Mean and SD provided separately for right eye and left eye presentations. d calculated separately for each, then averaged. |
2 | Andrews et al. (2017) | 69.3 | 12 | LB | N | -0.26 | A, H | Mean and 95% CI reported. SD calculated from CIs using RevMan 5.3 software. N = 2 excluded from analysis. |
3 | Barrett et al. (2002) | 65.6 | 30 | LB | N | -0.31 | A, H, S1, S2 | - |
4 | Barrett and Craver-Lemley (2008) | 73.7 | 60 | LB | N | -0.18 | A, H, S1, S2 | - |
5 | Barton et al. (1998) | 59.2 | 9 | LB |
Y (neglect/ hemianopia) |
1.15 | A | Mean and SD provided for long and short lines. d calculated separately for each, then averaged. |
6 | Beste et al. (2006) | 60.5 | 140 | LB | N | -0.24 | A, H, HU, S1, S2, SP | Raw data obtained from authors. d calculated separately for males and females by averaging right and left hand used data for each. Overall d calculated by averaging males and females. |
7 | Binetti et al. (2011) | 67.9 | 50 | LB | N | 0.2 | A, LL | Closed empty condition extracted. Mean and SD reported separately for 4 line lengths. d calculated separately for each, then averaged. Long (160mm = 20.16°) and short (20mm = 2.55°) lines used in line length analysis. |
8 | Bisiach et al. (1998) | 64.6 | 40 | LB | Y (neglect) | 0.32 | A, H, S2 | Mean reported but no SD. 3SD above mean reported as 10.34. Calculated 1SD using formula (3SD-mean)/3. |
9 | Brooks et al. (2016) | 69.8 | 59 | LB | N | -0.49 | A, H, S2, SD | N = 1 excluded from analysis. |
10 | Chiba et al. (2006) | 63.9 | 21 | LB | Y (neglect) | 0.03 | A ,H, S2, SD | Mean and SD reported for 2 scanning directions (left to right and right to left). d calculated separately for each, then averaged. |
11 | Chieffi et al. (2014) | 69.0 | 20 | LB | N | 0.003 | A, H, S2 | - |
12 | Choi et al. (2007) | 66.4 | 22 | LB | Y (neglect) | -0.19 | A ,H, S2 | Mean and SD reported for large and small backgrounds. d calculated separately for each, then averaged. |
13 | Corazzini et al. (2005) | 70.7 | 10 | LB | Y (neglect) | 0.5 | A, H | - |
14 | Cowey et al. (1994) | 73.0 | 2 | LB | Y (neglect) | -0.20 | A, LL, S2 | Raw data reported for 4 conditions (near space, far space pointer, near space pointer and far space pointer repeated). Long (305mm near/166cm far space = 37.5°) and short (51mm near/21cm far space = 6.33°) lines for each condition were averaged and used in the line length analysis. |
15 | Cowey et al. (1998) | 76.0 | 2 | LB | Y (neglect) | -0.88 | A, S2 | Raw data reported for 6 length/distance conditions. |
16 | Daini et al. (2008) | 71.4 | 12 | LB |
Y (cerebellar damage) |
-1.04 | A, H | T-statistic vs 0 reported and used to calculate d. |
17 | De Agostini et al. (1999) | 74.6 | 66 | LB | N | -0.48 | A, H, HU, S1, S2 | Mean and SD reported for 4 groups (men and women, using right and left hands). d calculated separately for each, then averaged. |
18 | Doricchi et al. (2002) | 65.9 | 10 | LB | Y (neglect) | 0.16 | A | LM also tested but no data reported. |
19 | Drago et al. (2008a) | 68.1 | 10 | LB | Y (Alzheimer’s) | 0.17 | A, C, S2 | Mean and SD reported for 3 line lengths. d calculated separately for each, then averaged. Left dot and right dot conditions extracted for the cue analysis. |
20 | Drago et al. (2008b) | 69.6 | 10 | LB | Y (Parkinson’s) | 0.04 | A, C, S2 | Data extracted for the Combined No Dots condition for the overall bias score. Combined Right dots and Combined Left dots extracted for the right and left cue conditions. |
21 | Ellis et al. (2006) | 76.6 | 20 | LB | Y (neglect) | -0.73 | A, LL, S2, SP | Raw data obtained from authors. Longest (160mm = 29.86°) and shortest (20mm = 3.82°) lines used in line length analysis. Left and right lines used in spatial position analysis. |
22 | Failla et al. (2003) | 66.1 | 30 | LB | N | -0.38 | A, H, HU, S2 | - |
23 | Falchook et al. (2015) | 70.6 | 9 | LB | Y (Parkinson’s) | -0.24 | A, C, H, S2 | Mean and SD reported for the 3 standard line types (0.06, 0.2 and 2.5cm thick). d calculated separately for each, then averaged. Left and right cue conditions were calculated from the 4 lines where the left or right segment of the line respectively was thicker. d calculated for each, then averaged. |
24 | Fujii et al. (1995) | 70.1 | 36 | LB | N | 0.29 | A, H, S2 | - |
25 | Gassama et al. (2011) | 64.5 | 12 | LB | Y (neglect) | -0.61 | A, H, SA | Data extracted from the sitting condition. |
26 | Goedert et al. (2010) | 72.8 | 12 | LB | N | 0.14 | A, H, S2, SA | - |
27 | Göttler et al. (2018) | 70.1 | 24 | LB | Y (carotid stenosis) | 1.6 | A, H, S2 | - |
28 | Grossi et al. (1999) | - | 5 | LB | Y (neglect) | 0.92 | - | - |
29 | Halligan et al. (1990) | 69.3 | 20 | LB | Y (neglect) | 0.13 | A, H, LL, S1, S2 | Raw data reported and used to calculate mean and SD for males, females and overall. Shortest (25mm = 3.18°) and longest (279mm = 34.45°) lines used in line length analysis. |
30 | Harvey et al. (1995b) | 66.2 | 12 | LB | Y (neglect) | -0.68 | A, H, S2 | T-statistic vs 0 reported and used to calculate d. LM also tested but no data reported. |
31 | Harvey et al. (2000) | 71.0 | 18 | LB | N | 0.12 | A, C, H, S2 | T-statistic vs 0 reported for left cue and right cue conditions. d calculated separately for each, then averaged. |
32 | Harvey et al. (2002) | 70.8 | 13 | LB | Y (neglect) | -0.4 | A, H, S2 | - |
33 | Hatin et al. (2012) | 72.7 | 12 | LB | N | -0.17 | A, H, HU | - |
34 | Jeong et al. (2006) | 70.5 | 6 | LB | Y (hydrocephalus) | -0.2 | A, H, HU, S2, SP | Mean and SD obtained from authors for 6 conditions (left and right hand used; left, right and centred line position). d calculated separately for each then averaged. |
35 | Kasai et al. (2016) | 81.0 | 40 | LB | Y (Alzheimer’s) | -0.02 | A, LL, S2 | Mean and SD reported for long (200mm = 25.06°) and short (120mm = 15.19°) lines. d calculated separately then averaged. |
36 | Laudate et al. (2013) | 70.0 | 11 | LB | Y (Parkinson’s) | 0.39 | A, H, S2 | Raw data for centred lines obtained from authors. |
37 | Learmonth et al. (2018) | 70.4 | 39 | LB | N | -0.27 | A, H, S1, S2, SP | Raw data obtained from authors. |
38 | Lee et al. (2004) | 69.7 | 40 | LB | N | -0.11 | A, H, S2 | Mean and SD extracted for the solid line bisection condition. |
39 | Liu et al. (2004) | 73.9 | 21 | LB | Y (Alzheimer’s) | -0.36 | A, H, S2 | - |
40 | Luauté et al. (2012) | - | 6 | LB | Y (neglect) | -0.07 | - | Raw data obtained from authors. Data extracted for baseline condition. |
41 | Mańkowska et al. (2019) | 70.3 | 23 | LB | N | -0.37 | A, H, S2 | - |
42 | Mennemeier et al. (1997) | 71.9 | 10 | LB | Y (left or right hemisphere lesion) | 0.6 | A, C, H, SA, SP | Mean and SD extracted for the signed errors in 3 conditions (No cue Left hemispace, No cue Right hemispace and No cue Center space). d calculated separately for each, then averaged. Data for the cue analysis obtained by calculating d separately for left, right and centrally presented lines with left cues then averaging, and the same procedure for right cues. |
43 | Mennemeier et al. (2001) | 72.0 | 11 | LB | Y (neglect) | 0.96 | A, H, SP | Exp 1. Mean and SD reported for left, right and centrally positioned lines. d calculated separately, then averaged. |
44 | Mennemeier et al. (2001) | 72.0 | 11 | LB | Y (neglect) | -1.21 | A, H, SP | Exp 2. Mean and SD reported for left, right and centrally positioned lines. d calculated separately, then averaged. |
45 | Muayqil et al. (2019) | 58.69 | 18 | LB | N | 0.69 | A, S1, S2 | Mean and SD reported for males and females separately and for ages 50-59 and >60. d calculated separately, then averaged. |
46 | Olk et al. (2001) | 71.7 | 15 | LB | Y (neglect) | -0.33 | A, H, S2 | Mean and SD reported for baseline condition (non-Müller-Lyer lines). |
47 | Pierce et al. (2003) | 71.3 | 30 | LB | N | -0.06 | A, H, S1, S2 | Mean and SD reported for men and women at Time 1 and Time 2. d calculated separately for each, then averaged. |
48 | Plummer et al. (2006) | 70.3 | 10 | LB | Y (neglect) | 0.33 | A, H, SD | Mean and standard errors reported. SE converted to SD using formula SD=SE*√N. The No Stimulus mean condition was extracted for the overall bias. Data for the scanning direction analysis was obtained from the No stimulus Left start, and No stimulus Right start conditions. |
49 | Potter et al. (2000) | 72.8 | 13 | LB | Y (neglect) | 0.21 | A, LL, S2, SP | Mean and SD reported for 8 conditions: left top, right top, left bottom, right bottom line positions for short (50mm = 6.36°) and long (140mm = 17.68°) lines. d calculated separately, then averaged. |
50 | Richard et al. (2004) | 54.0 | 8 | LB | Y (neglect) | 0.9 | A, H, LL | Mean and SD reported for 4 line lengths. d calculated separately, then averaged. Shortest (25mm = 3.18°) and longest (200mm = 25.06°) lines used in line length analysis. |
51 | Salazar et al. (2019) | 62.9 | 67 | LB | Y (Parkinson’s) | 0.27 | A, S2 | - |
52 | Sposito et al. (2010) | 66.0 | 15 | LB | Y (neglect) | 0.17 | A, S2 | - |
53 | Striemer and Danckert (2010) | 67.0 | 8 | LB | Y (neglect) | -0.07 | A, H | Mean and SD reported pre-prism adaptation. LM also tested but baseline mean and SD not reported. |
54 | Ulm et al. (2013) | 68.0 | 10 | LB | Y (neglect) | -0.5 | A,H, S2 | - |
55 | Vallar et al. (2000) | 62.7 | 6 | LB | Y (neglect) | 0.2 | A, H, LL | Mean and SD obtained from authors (baseline condition without fins) for 3 line lengths. d calculated separately for each, then averaged. Shortest (80mm = 10.16°) and longest (240mm = 29.86°) lines used in line length analysis. |
56 | Van Deusen (1983) | 75.0 | 93 | LB | N | -0.14 | S2 | Mean and SD reported for left positioned plus centrally positioned lines (right-positioned lines were not reported). n.b. One of the 93 subjects may have been aged <50. |
57 | van Dijck et al. (2012) | 68.6 | 12 | LB | Y (neglect) | 0.52 | A, H | Mean regression intercept and SD across 3 line lengths reported. |
58 | Varnava and Halligan (2007) | 65.7 | 60 | LB | N | -0.4 | A, H, LL, S1, S2 | Mean and SD reported for 18 conditions (3 line lengths, 3 age groups, 2 genders). d calculated separately for each, then averaged. Longest (180mm = 22.62°) and shortest (20mm = 2.55°) lines used for line length analysis. |
59 | Veronelli et al. (2014a) | 68.7 | 11 | LB | Y (neglect) | 0.07 | A, S2 | Mean and SD obtained from authors for long and short lines. Not used in line length analysis because both <17° (short). |
60 | Veronelli et al. (2014b) | 77.9 | 8 | LB | Y (neglect) | 0.69 | A, S2 | T-statistic vs 0 reported and used to calculate d. |
61 | Veronelli et al. (2014b) | 74.7 | 6 | LB | Y (neglect) | 0.61 | A | T-statistic vs 0 reported and used to calculate d. |
62 | Williamson et al. (2018) | 57.0 | 8 | LB | Y (neglect) | -0.16 | A, C, H, SP | Least squares means of fixed effects and standard errors reported for left, right and centrally positioned lines. SE converted to SD using formula SD=SE*√N. d calculated separately, then averaged. Left and right distractor conditions used for cue analysis. |
63 | Williamson et al. (2019) | 68.0 | 37 | LB | N | -0.253 | A, H, S2 | T-statistic vs 0 reported and used to calculate d. |
A Age, C Cues, ER Eye of regard, H Handedness, HU Hand used to bisect, LL line length, S1 Sex (separate data for males and females), S2 Sex (Percentage male), SA Salience, SD Scan direction, SP spatial position