Table 1. Horizontal comparison among five genetic tests.
Multigene test | Mammaprint | Oncotype DX | PAM50 | Endopredict | BCI |
Technique | DNA microarray | RT-PCR | RT-PCR | RT-PCR | RT-PCR |
Samples | Fresh frozen tissues | FFPE | FFPE | FFPE | FFPE |
Recurrence score | Genomic risk score | RS (0–100) | ROR (0–100), ROR-S; ROR-T, ROR-P; ROR-PT; intrinsic subtype |
EP (0–15); EPclin | BCI (0–10) |
Risk stratification | Low (score <0.4), high (score >0.4) |
Low (RS <18); intermediate (RS, 18–30); high (RS >30) |
Low; intermediate; high (details are given above) |
Low (EP <5, EPclin <3.3); high (EP >5, EPclin >3.3) |
Low (BCI <5.0825); intermediate; high (BCI >6.5025) |
Clinical validity | van ’t Veer (2002) (3); van de Vijver (2002) (4); TRANSBIG (2006) (5); RASTER (2007) (6); Mook (2009) (7) |
NSABP B14 (2004) (8); ECOG2197 (2008) (9); TransATAC (2010) (10); SWOG8814 (2010) (11); WSG Plan B (2016) (12); NSABP B28 (2018) (13); RxPONDER (ongoing) |
Parker (2009) (14); Dowsett (2013) (15); TransATAC + ABCSG 8 (2015) (16) |
ABCSG 6/8 (2011) (17); EICAM/9906 (2014) (18); ABSCG 8 (2015) (19) |
Ma (2008) (20); Zhang (2013) (21); Sgroi (2013) (22); NCIC MA.14 (2016) (23) |
Clinical utility | MINDACT (2016) (24) | NSABP B20 (2006) (25); SWOG8814 (2010) (11); TAILORx (2018) (26) |
DBCG 77B (2018) (27) | ABCSG 34 (2020) (28); UCBG 2-14 (2020) (29) |
aTTom (2019) (30); Noordhoek (2020) (31) |
PAM50, mRNA expression of 50 genes; BCI, breast cancer index; RT-PCR, reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction; FFPE, formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissues; RS, recurrence score; ROR, the risk of recurrence; ROR-S, ROR combined with subtypes; ROR-T, ROR combined with subtypes and tumor size; ROR-P, ROR combined with subtypes and proliferation; ROR-PT, ROR combined with subtypes, proliferation and tumor size; EP, the genetic score of Endopredict; EPclin, the combination of EP score and two clinical factors.