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. 2022 Apr 27;9:844626. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2022.844626

Table 1.

Patient demographic and medicals characteristics and associated health outcomes.

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4
Definition Confirmed Confirmed Confirmed Confirmed
Age, y 19 20 29 48
Sex Male Male Male Male
Race/ethnicity Caucasian Again Again Again
Vaccine type
Types of mRNA vaccines mRNA-1273-Moderna mRNA-1273-Moderna mRNA-1273-Moderna BNT162b2 mRNA-Pfizer-BioNTech
Number of vaccinations 2 2 2 1
History of previous COVID-19 infection Denied/ negative antigen Denied/ negative antigen Denied/ negative PCR Denied/ negative PCR
Day 1 post-vaccination Chest discomfort Fever Fever No symptom
Day 2 post-vaccination Chest pain, pain with breathing, hospital admission Chest pressure, nausea Chest pain, hospital admission Fever, tiredness, diarrhea
Day 3 post-vaccination Hospital admission Tiredness
Day 4 post-vaccination Tiredness
Day 5 post-vaccination Syncope, tiredness, hospital admission
Vital signs at presentation
Temperature, °C 36.9 39.1 36.2 35.4
Heart rate, bpm 100 106 73 80
Blood pressure, mm Hg 109/58 120/57 117/69 85/57
Respirations, per min 18 20 18 20
Chest x-ray findings No acute pulmonary disease No acute pulmonary disease No acute pulmonary disease enlarged cardiac shadow
Cardiothoracic ratio (CTR) 48.4% 48.4% 43.4% 54.5%
ECG findings
ST changes No ST elevation in V3–6 No Negative T wave in V4–6
Rhythm Normal sinus rhythm Normal sinus rhythm Normal sinus rhythm Paroxysmal atrioventricular block
Number of days after vaccination 3 days 5 days 3 days 5 days
LV ejection fraction 52 62 58 30
LV end-diastolic internal dimension 48 51 40 47
LV end-systolic internal dimension 35 36 28 36
Intraventricular septal diastolic thickness 9 10 9 14
LV posterior wall thickness 12 10 12 15
E/A 2.09 1.7 1.13 0.63
E/e' 3.68 7.15 4.65 9.02
Regional wall motion abnor- malities None None Non Diffuse hypokinesis
Diastolic function Normal Normal Normal
Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (cMRI)
Number of days between last vaccination and cMRI 5 days 6 days (first time) 45 days (second time) 12 days 12 days
LGE Sub-epicardial wall of basal-mid infero-lateral LV Na mid wall of basal inferior LV mid wall of anterior, and inferior LV Mid-wall of basal inferior, Sub-epicardial wall of mid- and infero-septum LV
Definition Confirmed Confirmed Confirmed Confirmed
T2WBB high signal Sub-epicardial wall of basal-mid infero-lateral LV mid wall of basal inferior LV Na mid wall of anterior, and inferior LV Mid-wall of basal inferior, Sub-epicardial wall of mid- and infero-septum LV
Laboratory findings
Cardiac troponin I pg/mL
Presentation 1,801.7 1,885.6 4,419.6 17,888.7
Peak 5,321.9 5,749 4,419.6 17,888.7
Postdischarge <10 <10 <10 15.5
CK U/L peak 415 324 154 765
CK-MB U/L peak 30.8 15.3 9 64
WBC 6,500 5,900 6,100 5,000
BNP, pg/mL 9.1 12.1 9 111
CRP, mg/dL 5.63 8.78 1.16 11.32
Coronary angiography findings ND MRI negative CCT negative CAG no stenosis
Clinical course
Hospitalization duration 5 8 5 11
Treatment(s) Ibuprofen, ACE-I Ibuprofen, ACE-I Ibuprofen, ACE-I dobutamine, Diuretic, Ibuprofen, ACE-I

BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; CRP, C-reactive protein; E/A, transmitral Doppler early (E-wave) to late (A-wave) ventricular filling velocities; E/e', E-wave to tissue Doppler early diastolic mitral annular velocity; LGE, late gadolinium enhancement; LV, left ventricular; T2WBB, T2 Weighed black blood; WBC, white blood cell.