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. 2022 Apr 27;9:844626. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2022.844626

Table 2.

Published case reports and case series regarding COVID-19 vaccine-associated myocarditis that describe LGE on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Age Sex Vaccine types Number of vaccinations Time from last vaccination to cardiac MRI LGE: layer LGE: segment
Marshall et al. Case 1 16 Male Pfizer 2nd NA Subepicardia Apical and midchamber lateral wall
Case 2 19 Male Pfizer 2nd NA Mid wall Basal inferolateral wall
Case 3 17 Male Pfizer 2nd NA Subepicardial Basal anterolateral segment, basal to midventricular inferolateral segments
Case 5 17 Male Pfizer 2nd NA Epicardia Anterior and lateral LV
Case 7 14 Male Pfizer 2nd 5 days Subepicardial Mid and apical left ventricle free wall
Rosner et al. Case 2 39 Male Pfizer 2nd 11 days Subepicardial Along the anterior and lateral walls
Case 3 39 Male Modelna 2nd 5 days Subepicardial and midmyocardial Anterior wall
Case 4 24 Male Pfizer 1st 7 days Midmyocardial Septal and inferior walls
Male Subepicardial Anterior, lateral, and inferior walls
Case 5 19 Male Pfizer 2nd 3 days Multifocal patchy subepicardial and midmyocardial Lateral and inferolateral walls
Case 6 20 Male Pfizer 2nd 6 days Subepicardial Lateral, inferolateral, anterolateral walls, apex
Case 7 23 Male Pfizer 2nd 3 days Mid wall Basal anteroseptal
Mouch et al. Case 1 24 Male Pfizer 2nd NA Subepicardial Basal septum
Mid myocardial Inferolateral
Case 2 20 Male Pfizer 2nd NA Subepicardial Basal and middle anterolateral and inferolateral walls
Case 3 29 Male Pfizer 2nd NA Diffuse Basal, inferolateral, anterolateral and anteroseptal walls
Case 4 45 Male Pfizer 1st NA Subepicardial Middle anterolateral, inferolateral and apical anterior walls
Case 5 16 Male Pfizer 2nd NA Midmyocardial Basal inferolateral
Male Subepicardial Middle anterolateral
Case 6 17 Male Pfizer 2nd NA Subepicardial Basal inferolateral, middle inferolateral and infero-septal and apical lateral, anterior and inferior walls
Mid-myocardial Middle inferolateral and anterolateral and apical anterior and lateral walls
Kim et al. Case 1 36 Male Moderna 2nd 3 days Epicardial Apical lateral
Case 4 24 Male Pfizer 2nd 3 days Epicardial, patchy Lateral
Ammirati et al. 56 Male Pfizer 2nd NA Subepicardial-intramyocardial regions Basal and apical segments of the infero-lateral wall
Angelo et al. 30 Male Pfizer 2nd 6 days Subepicardial Sparing of the basal and mid-septal segments
Albert et al. 24 Male Moderna 2nd 5 days Mid-myocardial and epicardial Lateral, anterolateral and inferolateral segments
Muthukumar et al. 52 Male Moderna 2nd 6 days Midmyocardial and subepicardial Infero-septal, inferolateral, anterolateral, and apical walls
Subepicardial Inferior basal and mesocardial midventricular region
Minocha et al. 17 Male Pfizer 2nd NA Subepicardial Mid-lateral and apical
Mansour et al. Case 1 25 Male Moderna 2nd 6 days Subepicardial Anterolateral wall of the mid and apical left ventricle
Case 2 21 Female Moderna 2nd 4 days Subepicardial Inferolateral wall at the base
Habib et al. 37 Male Pfizer 2nd NA Subepicardial Basal lateral wall
Cereda et al. 21 Male Pfizer 2nd NA Patchy epicardial The posterior, anterior, inferior, and lateral walls
Vidula et al. Case 1 19 Male Pfizer 2nd NA Subepicardial Basal to mid lateral wall
Case 2 18 Male Moderna 2nd NA Subepicardial Mid lateral wall
Williams et al. 34 Male Moderna 2nd 7 days Subepicardial Anterolateral and inferolateral segments
Isaak et al. 15 Male Pfizer 2nd NA Subepicardial Inferolateral wall
Hasnie et al. 22 Male Moderna 1st NA Subepicardial Lateral wall and inferior segments at the midventricular and apical LV
Patrignani et al. 56 Male Pfizer 1st 11 days Sub-epicardial Basal and middle segments of the infero-lateral wall
Kim et al. 24 Male Pfizer 2nd NA Sub-epicardial Basal inferior and inferolateral segment
Ehrlich et al. 40 Male Pfizer 1st 12 days Diffuse Basal and mid anteroseptal and inferoseptal segments as well as in the apical septal segment
Patel et al. Case 1 22 Male Pfizer 1st NA Subepicardial Basal inferior, basal inferolateral, and apical lateral
Case 2 19 Male Pfizer 2nd NA Subepicardial Basal inferolateral
Case 3 25 Male Moderna 2nd NA Subepicardial Lateral
Case 4 37 Male Pfizer 2nd NA Subepicardial Basal anteroseptal segment
Case 5 20 Male Pfizer 2nd NA Subepicardial and mid-myocardial Basal, mid, and apical lateral segments
Tailor et al. 44 Male Moderna 2nd 5 days Mid-myocardial Mid-septum, infero-septum, and inferior walls at the base to midventricle
Sub-epicardial and mid-myocardial Lateral wall at the mid-ventricle and apical lateral wall
Nguyen et al. 20 Male Moderna 1st NA Subepicardial Mid and basal inferolateral segments
Onderko et al. Case 2 28 Male Pfizer 2nd NA Epicardium Apical lateral wall, midanterolateral segments
Case 3 36 Male Moderna 2nd NA Epicardial Mid- to distal inferolateral and lateral walls
Shiyovich et al. Case 1 41 Male Pfizer 2nd 107 days Mid-wall Inferolateral (basal)
Case 2 24 Male Pfizer 2nd 103 days Mid-wall and epicardia Inferolateral (basal)
Case 3 17 Male Pfizer 2nd 7 days Epicardial Inferolateral, anterolateral, (basal to apical)
Case 4 37 Male Pfizer 1st 48 days Epicardial Inferolateral (basal, mid)
Case 5 39 Male Pfizer 2nd 8 days Mid-wall and epicardia Inferoseptal, anteroseptal (basal), inferolateral, anterolateral (basal), Inferolateral (med), septum, lateral (apical)
Case 7 19 Male Pfizer 2nd 43 days Mid-wall Inferior (apicalbasal), Inferolateral (mid, basal), anterior (basal, mid), septum, lateral (apical)
Case 8 28 Male Pfizer 2nd 139 days Mid-wall Inferolateral, anterolateral (basal)
Case 10 17 Male Pfizer 2nd 17 days Epicardial Inferior, inferolateral (basal), inferior, inferoseptal, inferolateral (mid)
Case 11 36 Male Pfizer 1st 63 days Mid-wall Lateral (apical)
Case 12 27 Male Pfizer 2nd 105 days Epicardial Inferolateral (basal)
Case 13 42 Male Pfizer 1st 53 days Epicardial Inferolateral (apical, basal), anterolateral (basal)
Case 14 76 Male Pfizer 2nd 117 days Mid-wall Inferolateral (basal)
Case 15 32 Male Pfizer 2nd 83 days Mid-wall Inferior (basal), inferolateral (basal)
Our Cases Case 1 19 Male Moderna 2nd 5 days Sub-epicardial Infero-lateral (basal-mid)
Case 2 20 Male Moderna 2nd 45 days Mid-wall Inferior (basal)
Case 3 29 Male Moderna 2nd 12 days mid-wall Anterior, inferior wall
Case 4 48 Male Pfizer 1st 12 days Mid-wall Inferior walls at the base to midventricle
Subepicardial Mid-septum, and infero-septum of left ventricular Wall

LGE, late-gadolinium enhancement; LV, left ventricular.