Fig. 2.
Characterization of TPL+Ce6/NPs. Characterization of TPL+Ce6/NPs. (A) Particle size distribution by DLS determination. (B) Representative photos of indissoluble suspension of free TPL and Ce6 physical mixture, and aqueous suspension of TPL+Ce6/NPs. (a represents a high concentration and b represents a low concentration). (C) Storage stability at 4 °C for 7 d (D) TEM and (E) SEM images of TPL+Ce6/NPs. pH-responsive particle size changes (F), drug release profiles (G) and singlet oxygen production efficiency by SOSG probe determination (H) of TPL+Ce6/NPs in response to different pH values. (I) FTIR spectra of TPL+Ce6/NPs, mPEG-PBAE-mPEG polymer and the payload agents.