The effect of transplanted BMSCsmT/mG on follicle development and maturation, as well as the oocyte development and meiosis. A Representative images of follicular morphology in each stage with HE-staining. Scale bar = 200 μm. B The number of primordial follicles. C The number of primary follicles. D The number of secondary follicles. E The number of antral follicles. F The number of antresia follicles. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01. G The comparative image of 2-cells, 4-cells, morulae and blastocysts in Oc + NS and Oc + BMSCs groups, Scale bar = 100 μm. H Formation rate of the early embryos from MII-stage oocytes after fertilization at 36w and 40w of mice in Oc + NS and Oc + BMSCs groups. I Confocal microscopy images of spindles and chromosome of oocytes (MII), Scale bar = 10 μm; a: Normal spindle assembly and chromosome arrangement; b/c/d: Abnormal spindle assembly and chromosome arrangement. J Aberrant rate of spindle apparatus about oocytes (MII) at 36w and 40w of mice in Oc + NS and Oc + BMSCs groups. K Representative chromosome spreads from oocytes (MII) are shown by immunofluorescence for DNA (DAPI, blue) and CREST (green), Scale bar = 10 μm; a: Representative image of euploidy with 20 sister chromatids; b/c: Representative image of aneuploidy with 18 or 21 sister chromatids. L Percentage (%) of aneuploidy about mature oocytes (MII) at 36w and 40w of mice in Oc + NS and Oc + BMSCs groups. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01.