Table 2.
Summary of representative FMNs for imaging-guided combinatorial tumor therapy.
Name of the nanomaterials | Fenton metals | Theranostic modalities | Performance | Refs. |
DEN-DOX@TA-FeIII | Fe3+/Fe2+ | Chemotherapy /CDT | CDT sensitization by DOX-mediated apoptosis | [68] |
DSF@PEG/Cu-HMSNs | Cu2+/Cu+ | Chemotherapy /CDT | Cu2+ released from HMSNs in acidic TME to form toxic CuETs, or converse into Cu+ by endogenous H2O2 to produce ROS. | [29] |
DDMON-IONP-CUR | Fe3+/Fe2+ | Chemotherapy /CDT | Cancer-cell-specific Ca2+ and GSH depletion, •OH generation, thioredoxin reductase inhibition, and tumor ICD. | [69] |
UCNPs@MnO2-Pt-PEG | Mn2+ | MRI/UCL imaging-guided chemotherapy /CDT | GSH depletion- and cisplatin-activation-enhanced •OH generation, along with TME-triggered MRI/UCL imaging. | [70] |
SRF@Hb-Ce6 | Fe2+ | CDT/PDT | Sorafenib/Fe-induced ferroptosis combining with PDT | [31] |
mCMSNs | Cu2+/Cu+, Mn2+ | MRI-guided PDT/CDT | Programing TME via hypoxia relief and GSH depletion to enhance PDT/CDT. | [71] |
Cu2-xSe-CD-Ce6 | Cu2+/Cu+ | PAI-guided CDT/PDT | Fenton-like Haber-Weiss catalyst for ICD and M1-macrophages polarization. | [72] |
Mn2+ | FI/MRI-guided CDT/ST | ROS and GSH-triggered Au NPs release as numerous cavitation nucleation for sonodynamic conversion, and Mn2+ production for Fenton-like reaction. | [73] |
EA-Fe@BSA | Fe3+/Fe2+ | MRI-guided CDT/PTT | Endogenous H2S triggered Fe3+/Fe2+ conversion and PTT-enhanced •OH generation. | [74] |
Au@MSN@ IONP | Fe3+/Fe2+ | MRI-guided PTT-enhanced CDT | Heat-triggered intracellular H2O2 production to fuel Fenton reaction, and PI3K/Akt/FoxO axis inhibition. | [75] |
Cu(I) phosphide nanocrystals | Cu+ | PAI/MRI/PTI guided CDT/PTT | GSH depletion and NIR II photothermal conversion to increase •OH generation, along with in situ T1−MR imaging. | [76] |
FP NRs | Fe3+/Fe2+ | PAI/MRI-guided CDT/PTT | Ultrasound and photothermal-enhanced Fenton reaction, along with PA/MR imaging. | [77] |
MnOx@silicene-BSA | Mn2+ | PAI/MRI-guided CDT/PTT | Hyperthermia-augmented Fenton-like catalytic activity, along with TME-responsive T1−MRI and PAI. | [78] |
Co-Fc@GOx | Fe2+ | Starvation therapy/CDT | Promoting intracellular acidity and H2O2 production by GOx to boost the Fenton reaction. | [79] |
GOx@ZIF@TA-FeIII | Fe3+/Fe2+ | MRI-guided starvation therapy enhanced CDT | GOx-mediated H2O2 generation and TA-induced Fe3+/Fe2+ conversion for enhanced CDT. | [33] |
Fe5C2-GOx@ MnO2 | Fe2+ | T1/T2 MRI-guided starvation therapy /CDT | MnO2 decomposition and GOx release under acidic TME for starvation therapy to enhance CDT, along with MR imaging. | [80] |
MnOx-TF | Mn2+ | MRI/PAI-guided immunotherapy /CDT |
TME-responsive capability and tumor ICD. | [34] |
Cu2O@CaCO3@HA | Cu2+/Cu+ | PTT/PDT/CDT/ immunotherapy | Hyperthermia and oxidative stress induced by acidic and H2S-overexpressed TME to reprogram macrophages and facilitate immunotherapy. | [81] |
HSA-GOx-TPZ@ TA-FeIII | Fe3+/Fe2+ | starvation therapy enhanced CDT/ chemotherapy | GOx-mediated H2O2 generation and hypoxia exacerbation, as well as TA-accelerated Fe3+/Fe2+conversion for cascade cancer therapy. | [82] |
GOx-MnCaP-DOX | Mn2+ | MRI-guided starvation therapy CDT/chemotherapy | Acidic-responsive NPs degradation, GOx-mediated glucose elimination and Mn2+-mediated Fenton-like reaction for cascade-enhanced anti-tumor therapy. | [83] |
FeIII-TPPS@Bis (DPA-Zn)-RGD /SOD2 siRNA | Fe3+ | FI/MRI-guided SDT/gene therapy/CDT | Enhanced ROS production via SOD2 downregulation, GSH depletion and Fenton reaction. | [84] |
TCPP-FeIII@ DHA@CaCO3 | Fe3+/Fe2+ | Oncosis therapy /CDT/PDT | Acidic TME- and GSH-triggered DHA release, Ca2+ and Fe2+ supply, and TCPP activation for combinatorial therapy. | [85] |
GOx@Cu2MoS4 | Cu2+/Cu+Mo4+/ Mo6+ | CDT/starvation therapy/PDT/PTT/ immunotherapy | GSH peroxidase mimicking activity to deplete GSH, and O2/H2O2 supply. | [86] |
PtCu3-PEG | Cu2+/Cu+ | FI/PAI/CT imaging-guided SDT/CDT | GSH peroxidase mimicking activity to deplete GSH, along with FI/PAI/CT imaging. | [87] |
HMON-Au-Col@ Cu-TA-PVP | Cu2+/Cu+ | FI/PET imaging-guided PDT/CDT | Au NPs catalysis-based H2O2 supply, along with PET imaging by 64Cu2+ labeling. | [55] |