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. 2022 May 10;22:154. doi: 10.1186/s12905-022-01719-9

Table 7.

Attitudes and practices related to the use of mobile phone and text messages (N = 130)

Characteristics Communities Banks Total % Chi-value p value
No % No %
Receives text message 0.004 1.000*
 Yes 67 98.5 61 98.4 128 98.5
 No 1 1.5 1 1.6 2 1.5
 Total 68 100 62 100 130 100
Normally reads text messages 2.747 0.246*
 Yes 64 95.5 61 100 125 97.7
 No 3 4.5 0 0 3 2.3
 Total 67 100 61 100 128 100
Ever received text messages on health-related topics 5.381 0.072*
 Yes 36 52.9 43 69.4 79 60.8
 No 26 38.2 18 29 44 33.9
 Can't remember 6 8.8 1 1.6 7 5.4
 Total 68 100 62 100 130 100
Willingness to receive test message on CC testing 1.105 0.477*
 Yes 68 100 61 98.4 129 99.2
 No 0 0 1 1.6 1 0.8
 Total 68 100 62 100 130 100
Willingness to go for CC screening upon receipt of test messages 6.746 0.029*
 Yes 62 91.2 61 94.4 123 94.6
 No 0 0 1 1.6 1 0.77
 Undecided 6 8.8 0 0 6 4.6
 Total 68 100 62 100 130 100
Preferred time of day to receive text messages on CC 14.22 0.010*
 Morning 11 16.2 13 21 24 18.6
 Afternoon 4 5.9 5 8.1 9 6.9
 Evening 6 8.8 18 29 24 18.6
 Night 2 2.9 2 3.2 4 3.1
 Anytime 38 55.9 23 37.1 61 46.9
 No suggestion 7 10.3 1 1.6 8 6.2
 Total 68 100 68 62 130 100
Preferred duration of text messages 1.053 0.907*
 Less than 1 month 6 8.8 4 6.5 10 7.7
 1 month 22 32.4 17 27.4 39 30
 2 months 3 4.4 2 3.2 5 3.9
 More than 2 months 22 32.4 24 38.7 46 35.4
 No suggestion 15 22.1 15 24.2 30 23.1
 Total 68 100.0 62 100 130 100.0
Frequency of text messages per day desired 10.321 0.036*
 Once 21 30.9 34 54.8 55 42.3
 Twice 24 35.3 16 25.8 40 30.8
 Thrice 6 8.8 1 1.6 7 5.4
 More than thrice 8 11.8 3 4.8 11 8.5
 No suggestion 9 13.2 8 12.9 17 13.1
 Total 68 100 62 99.9 130 100.0
Total 68 100 62 100.0 130 100.0

*Fischer's exact