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. 2022 May 11;122:1–7. doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2022.05.026

Table 2.

Results from linear mixed effects model for log10-transformed Immunoglobulin gG (IgG) antibody titers. Reported are the estimated fixed effects along with their standard error and P-values.

Dependent variable: IgG levels (AU/ml) log10-transformed
Variables Value Std. Error P-value
Intercept 4.51 0.0193 <0.001
Month −0.233 0.0009 <0.001
Age (years, >60 as reference)
 18–30 0.219 0.0231 <0.001
 30–40 0.136 0.0205 <0.001
 40–50 0.056 0.0199 0.0053
 50–60 0.050 0.0199 0.0120
Gender (female) 0.070 0.0135 <0.001
T0 (titers >50 AU/ml) 0.155 0.0422 0.0002
 Months xT0
(titers >50 AU/ml)
0.062 0.0062 <0.001

AIC = 1849.178; Marginalized R2 = 0.71; Conditional R2 = 0.91.

AU = arbitrary units.