Table 5.
References | Design |
AD patients (N) |
Mean age of AD (S.D) | Type of PPA | PPA patients (N) | Mean age of PPA (S.D) | HC (N) | Mean age of HC (S.D) | SC domains | Assessment tools | Results | JBI |
Rankin et al. (2009) | C-S | 27 | 59.2 (7.0) | svPPA | 11 | 63.0 (8.6) | 13 | 61.8 (10.3) | EP, SP | TASIT, CATS | svPPA worse than AD | G |
Goodkind et al. (2012) | C-S | 15 | 59.8 (5.3) | nfvPPA, svPPA | 3,13 | 67.0 (9.8), 63.9 (8.2) | 10 | N/A | EP | Ad-hoc | No significant results | G |
Miller et al. (2013) | C-S | 35 | 66.1 (8.5) | nfvPPA, svPPA | 8, 16 | 63.1 (8.8) | N/A | N/A | EP | FAST | No significant results | G |
Narme et al. (2013) | C-S | 13 | 74.5 (8.3) | svPPA | 13 | 62.3 (6.9) | 26 | 68.9 (9.6) | EP, ToM | E60, FPT, IRI | svPPA worse than AD | G |
Hutchings et al. (2015) | C-S | 10 | 66.25 (9.10) | svPPA | 15 | 64.05 (5.85) | 17 | 70.78 (4.80) | EP | SEQ | svPPA worse than AD | G |
Kumfor et al. (2016) | Lo | 33 | 65.1 (7.8) | svPPA | 31 | 62.2 (6.8) | 25 | 64.3 (4.0) | EP | SEA | svPPA with greater decline than AD | M |
Park et al. (2017) | C-S | 32 | 76.75 (8.47) | svPPA | 13 | 71.92 (3.64) | 33 | 70.97 (6.45) | EP | E60 | svPPA worse than AD | G |
AD, Alzheimer's Disease; CATS, Comprehensive Affect Testing System; C-S, Cross-sectional; E60, Ekman 60 task; EC, Ekman Caricatures; EM, Emotional Processing; FADT, Face Affect Discrimination Task; FAST, Facial Affect Selection test; FERT, Facial emotion recognition; FIDT, Face Identify Discrimination Task; FPT, Faux Pas test; FTD, Frontotemporal Dementia; G, Good; HC, Healthy Controls; IRI, Interpersonal Reactivity Index; JBI, Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Evaluation Checklists; L, Low; Lo, Longitudinal; LBD, Lewy Body Dementia; M, Moderate; mini-SEA, Mini-Social Cognition & Emotional Assessment; N/A, not available; nfvPPA, non-fluent variant PPA; PPA, Primary Progressive Aphasia; RMET, Reading the mind in the eyes test; SC, Social Cognition; SEA, Facial Emotion Recognition Test; SEQ, Socio-Emotional Questionnaire; SET, The Storey-based Empathy Task; SP, Social Perception; svPPA, semantic variant PPA; TASIT, The Awareness of Social Inference Test; ToM, Theory of Mind.