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. 2022 Apr 27;14:778093. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2022.778093

Table 5.

Summary of studies on social cognition in Alzheimer's disease vs. primary progressive aphasia.

References Design AD patients
Mean age of AD (S.D) Type of PPA PPA patients (N) Mean age of PPA (S.D) HC (N) Mean age of HC (S.D) SC domains Assessment tools Results JBI
Rankin et al. (2009) C-S 27 59.2 (7.0) svPPA 11 63.0 (8.6) 13 61.8 (10.3) EP, SP TASIT, CATS svPPA worse than AD G
Goodkind et al. (2012) C-S 15 59.8 (5.3) nfvPPA, svPPA 3,13 67.0 (9.8), 63.9 (8.2) 10 N/A EP Ad-hoc No significant results G
Miller et al. (2013) C-S 35 66.1 (8.5) nfvPPA, svPPA 8, 16 63.1 (8.8) N/A N/A EP FAST No significant results G
Narme et al. (2013) C-S 13 74.5 (8.3) svPPA 13 62.3 (6.9) 26 68.9 (9.6) EP, ToM E60, FPT, IRI svPPA worse than AD G
Hutchings et al. (2015) C-S 10 66.25 (9.10) svPPA 15 64.05 (5.85) 17 70.78 (4.80) EP SEQ svPPA worse than AD G
Kumfor et al. (2016) Lo 33 65.1 (7.8) svPPA 31 62.2 (6.8) 25 64.3 (4.0) EP SEA svPPA with greater decline than AD M
Park et al. (2017) C-S 32 76.75 (8.47) svPPA 13 71.92 (3.64) 33 70.97 (6.45) EP E60 svPPA worse than AD G

AD, Alzheimer's Disease; CATS, Comprehensive Affect Testing System; C-S, Cross-sectional; E60, Ekman 60 task; EC, Ekman Caricatures; EM, Emotional Processing; FADT, Face Affect Discrimination Task; FAST, Facial Affect Selection test; FERT, Facial emotion recognition; FIDT, Face Identify Discrimination Task; FPT, Faux Pas test; FTD, Frontotemporal Dementia; G, Good; HC, Healthy Controls; IRI, Interpersonal Reactivity Index; JBI, Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Evaluation Checklists; L, Low; Lo, Longitudinal; LBD, Lewy Body Dementia; M, Moderate; mini-SEA, Mini-Social Cognition & Emotional Assessment; N/A, not available; nfvPPA, non-fluent variant PPA; PPA, Primary Progressive Aphasia; RMET, Reading the mind in the eyes test; SC, Social Cognition; SEA, Facial Emotion Recognition Test; SEQ, Socio-Emotional Questionnaire; SET, The Storey-based Empathy Task; SP, Social Perception; svPPA, semantic variant PPA; TASIT, The Awareness of Social Inference Test; ToM, Theory of Mind.