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. 2022 Apr 27;9:882340. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.882340


Characteristics of included cases with coded sepsis.

Variable Retrospective baseline (01.2014–03.2016) Intervention phase (04.2016–06.2018)
Number of cases with coded sepsis 46.043 53.581
Age (years) 72 (60, 79) 72 (61, 79)
Sex: female 39% 38.7%
Admission: referral by physician or dentist 21.1% 19%
Emergency 63.7% 65.2%
Hospital transfer with pre-treatment >24 h 10.9% 11.3%
Hospital transfer with pre-treatment <24 h or rehabilitation hospital 4.3% 4.5%
CCI: cerebrovascular disease 12.8% 13.9%
CCI: dementia 8.5% 8.5%
CCI: mild liver disease 9.7% 10.1%
CCI: moderate or severe liver disease 4.2% 4.1%
CCI: myocardial infarction 10.5% 10.9%
CCI: peptic ulcer disease 4% 4.1%
ECI: alcohol abuse 7.1% 7.1%
ECI: blood loss anemia 0.9% 1%
ECI: cardiac arrhythmias 42.6% 44.7%
ECI: coagulopathy 39.3% 37.4%
ECI: congestive heart failure 34.4% 34.8%
ECI: deficiency anemia 4.4% 4.8%
ECI: depression 6% 5.9%
ECI: drug abuse 1.5% 1.8%
ECI: hypertension, complicated 10.1% 10.7%
ECI: hypertension, uncomplicated 42.2% 42.6%
ECI: hypothyroidism 11.6% 13.2%
ECI: lymphoma 3.5% 3.4%
ECI: metastatic cancer 7.6% 7.7%
ECI: obesity 9.1% 9.7%
ECI: other neurological disorders 15.6% 16.7%
ECI: paralysis 9.2% 9.8%
ECI: peripheral vascular disorders 16.6% 16.5%
ECI: psychoses 1.2% 1.1%
ECI: pulmonary circulation disorders 7.8% 8.1%
ECI: renal failure 30.2% 30.9%
ECI: solid tumor without metastasis 15.2% 14.6%
ECI: valvular disease 13% 14.4%
ECI: weight loss 11.6% 13.5%
Leukemia 3.8% 3.5%
Characteristics of infection and sepsis
Infection of lower respiratory tract 48.5% 49%
Urinary tract infection 29.2% 30.9%
Abdominal infection 21.8% 20.3%
Foreign body associated infection 12.9% 12.6%
Soft tissue and wound infections 7.3% 8%
Infection of vascular system 5.6% 6%
Infection of central nervous system 1.9% 2.2%
Infection of upper respiratory tract 1.7% 2.9%
Sepsis as primary diagnosis 35.2% 33.4%
Conduction of chemotherapy 6.2% 6.4%
Conduction of palliative care 2.1% 2.1%
Hospital length of stay (days) 17 (8, 33) 16 (8, 31)
Hospital mortality 43.5% 42.7%

Descriptive statistics presented as median (first quartile, third quartile) or %. CCI, Charlson comorbidity index; ECI, Elixhauser comorbidity index. Cases with sepsis defined by presence of ICD-10-GM codes R65.1 (sepsis with organ dysfunction) or R57.2 (septic shock). The beginning of the intervention phase is defined uniformly by April 2016 for all hospitals.