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. 2022 Apr 6;96(6):1623–1659. doi: 10.1007/s00204-022-03255-9

Table 6.

Basic information used in the derivation of bromate pool water and drinking water guideline values

Bromate value [µg/L] Pivotal study Species Critical effect, target organ Dose descriptor (oral uptake) Extra carcinogenic risk Reference
Pool water
Anses 8.7–2480 DeAngelo et al. (1998) Rat Renal tumors 0.0143 µg/kg bw/d (body dose), 0.7 [mg/kg bw/d]−1 (Slope factor) 1: 100,000 Anses (2012)
Germany 2000a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a DIN 19,643–1:2012–11 2012; UBA (2014)
The Netherlands 100 n.a Rat Renal tumors 0.05 µg/kg bw/d 1: 100,000 RIVM (2014)
Switzerland 200 n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a EDI (2016)
ECHA 100b n.a Rat Renal tumors 0.05 µg/kg bw/d 1: 100,000
Drinking water
U.S. EPA, IRIS 0.5 DeAngelo et al. (1998) Rat Kidney renal tubule tumors, mesotheliomas, and thyroid follicular cell tumors 0.7 [mg/kg bw/d]−1 (Oral Slope Factor), 2 × 10–5 [µg/L]−1 (Drinking Water Unit Risk) 1: 100,000 US EPA (2001, 2021)c

0.1 (Public Health Goal)

10 (MCL)


DeAngelo et al. (1998) Rat

Mesothelioma, kidney tumors, and thyroid tumors

Renal pelvis urothelial hyperplasia

0.21 mg/kg bw/d

0.011 mg/kg bw/d (ADD, acceptable daily dose)


1:10,000 (Cancer Risk at MCL)

OEHHA (2009)

10 (Provisional Guideline Value)


DeAngelo et al. (1998) Rat 0.19 mg/kg bw/d 1:100,000 World Health Organization 2017f
U.S. EPA, Office of Water

zero (MCLGd)

10 (MCLd)

140 (DWELd)


DeAngelo et al. (1998) Rat 4 µg/kg bw/d (RfD)


US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water (2018)e
Health Canada

10 (MAC) g

4 (carcinogenic effects)

40 (non-cancer effects), (HBV, health-based value)

DeAngelo et al. (1998)

Tumors of the testicular mesothelium

Urothelial hyperplasia

2.6 × 10−3 mg/L−1 (Cancer Slope Factor)

49.7 mg/L (BMDL10), TDI = 0.001 mg/kg bw/d

1:100,000 Health Canada (2019)h
European Union 10 EU (2020)i

aThe detailed rationale can be seen in UBA (2009) (unpublished report)

bECHA (2017) has adopted RIVM (2014) guideline value

cThe current IRIS data is based on EPA´s report first published in 2001

dMCLG (Maximum Contaminant Level Goal); MCL (Maximum Contaminant Level); DWEL (Drinking Water Equivalent Level) (DWEL obtained from the RfD of 0.004 mg/kg bw/d)

eThe toxicological data used is based on US EPA (2001)

fThe detailed rationale can be seen in WHO (2005)

gMaximum Acceptable Concentration. The MAC takes into consideration limitations in analytical methodology and treatment technologies

hThe corresponding Guideline Technical Document is Health Canada (2018)

iThe European Union has adopted WHO´s (2017) guideline value