Fig. 4.
Effects of ANA-12 on prophylactic effects of (R)-ketamine on cognitive deficits in adult offspring after prenatal poly(I:C) exposure. A: Schedule of treatment and behavioral tests. Saline (5.0 ml/kg/day) or poly(I:C) (5.0 mg/kg/day from E12 to E17) was injected i.p. into pregnant mice. Male offspring was separated from mothers on P21. Saline (10 ml/kg/day, twice a week) or (R)-ketamine (10 mg/kg/day, twice a week) was administered i.p. to male offspring from P28 to P56. Vehicle (10 ml/kg/day) or ANA-12 (0.5 mg/kg/day) was injected i.p. 30 min before injection of saline or (R)-ketamine. Novel object recognition test (NORT) was performed from P70-P80. B: NORT: There was no difference between the five groups in the training session. In the retention test session, the exploratory preference of poly(I:C) + vehicle/saline group was significantly lower than saline + vehicle /(R)-ketamine group. The exploratory preference of poly(I:C) + vehicle/(R)-ketamine group was significantly higher than poly(I:C) + ANA/(R)-ketamine group. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 compared to poly(I:C) + vehicle/saline group. #P < 0.05 compared to poly(I:C) + vehicle/(R)-ketamine group. N.S.: not significance. The values were expressed as the mean ± S.E.M. (n = 7–14)