Fig. 4. Crystallography of [Au25(SF27)18]0 (Mercury CSD 4.2.0).
a Au25 core. Color code: Aucent in yellow, Auinn in green, Auout in pink; b Au25S18 unit, highlighting the six S–Auout–S–Auout–S staple motifs and the three planes they lay on. Sulfur atoms are colored in light blue (terminal) and black (bridged), respectively; c Au25S18 unit with C3 alkyl portion of each thiol. The carbon atoms are colored in gray; d representation of one [Au25(SF27)18]0 NC showing the fluorine masking of the gold core; e representation of one [Au25(SF27)18]0 NC where the inter-cluster F···F contacts are shown as red dotted lines; f overall crystal packing of four [Au25(SF27)18]0 NCs, view along the crystallographic b axis. a–c, e in ball-and-stick model, d, f in space-fill model.