Fig. 1. Murine GSDMA3Nterm assembles a variety of oligomeric shapes and sizes, which can adopt either the pre-pore or pore state, in lipid membranes.
a, b AFM topographs of mGSDMA3Nterm oligomers formed on supported lipid membranes (SLMs) made from E. coli polar lipid extract. a–e, AFM topographs showing (c) arc-, (d) slit-, and (e) ring-shaped mGSDMA3Nterm oligomers. f, g Height profiles of mGSDMA3Nterm oligomers measured along the red lines indicated in the AFM topographs (a, b). Numbers in the upper right corner correlate height profiles to red lines in topographs. Black dashed lines represent the membrane surface (0 nm height). Pre-pore and pore states are indicated for each oligomer. Pore state has been defined for oligomers, whose pores protrude ≥ 2 nm into the lipid membrane. The FD-based AFM topographs were recorded in imaging buffer solution and exhibit a full-range color scale corresponding to a vertical scale of 6 nm. Scale bars, 50 nm (a, b) and 20 nm (c–g). h, Diameters of maximum height of arc-, slit- and ring-shaped mGSDMA3Nterm oligomers imaged by AFM in membranes made from E. coli polar lipid extract. Black curves represent Gaussian fits determining the mean ± SD values given. i Maximum heights of arc-, slit- and ring-shaped mGSDMA3Nterm oligomers protruding from the lipid membrane surface and either residing in the pre-pore or pore state. Values present mean ± SD and are given in Supplementary Table 1. n gives the number of oligomers analyzed.