Fig. 6.
ER- PDX tumours have dense and immature vascular networks which result in hypoxic tumour tissue. (A) Exemplar IHC images of CD31, ASMA and CAIX stained ER- and ER+ tumours. Scale bar= 100 µm. Brown staining indicates positive expression of marker. ASMA sections display CD31 overlay, where red indicates areas where CD31 and ASMA are colocalised (ASMA vessel coverage) and yellow indicates areas where CD31 is alone. (B) CD31 staining area quantified from CD31 IHC sections and normalised to tumour area. (C) ASMA vessel coverage of CD31 + vessels (number of red pixels/number of red+yellow pixels, expressed as a percentage) on ASMA IHC sections. (D) CAIX total positive pixels as a percentage of the total tumour area pixels on CAIX IHC sections. (E-K) Statistical and topological data analyses comparing ER- and ER+ tumours. Data are represented by truncated violin plots with interquartile range (dotted black) and median (solid black). Comparisons between ER- and ER+ tumours made with unpaired t-test. * = p < 0.05, **=p < 0.01, ***=p < 0.001. For (B-E) ER- n = 6, ER+ n = 8. For (F-K) ER- n = 5, ER+ n = 8, one ER- image excluded with artefact that would impact the measured vascular descriptors.