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. 2022 Apr 28;16:876342. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2022.876342


Expression of CCR5 genes in cells.

System Cell type Species Author and year
The cardio-vascular system Vascular endothelial cells (coronary endothelia, brain endothelia) Human Berger et al., 1999
Vascular smooth muscle cells (aorta, coronary artery and saphenous vein) Human, Macaques Rottman et al., 1997
The central nervous system Neurons (CA1–4 pyramidal hippocampal, dentate gyrus, cortical white matter, brain stem neurons) Human, Macaques Westmoreland et al., 2002
Astrocytes Human Flynn et al., 2003
The immune system Innate lymphocytes Human Hughes and Nibbs, 2018
Innate lymphoid
Natural killer cells
Myeloid cells
Mactophages (spleen, lung, body cavity, intestine, liver) classical/non-classical monocytes (bone marrow, blood)
Dendritic cells (DCs)
Skin DCs/Langerhans cells
DCs (thymus, spleen, lymph node, skin, lung)
DC precursors
Natural killer T cells
Marginal Zone B cells
B cell precursors (bone marrow)
Memory CD4+/CD8+ T cells
Activated CD8+ T cells
B1 cells
γσ T cells (thymus, periphery)