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. 2022 Mar 31;6(1):2473974X221086872. doi: 10.1177/2473974X221086872

Table 4.

Multivariate Factors Associated With Overall Survival in Head and Neck Paraganglioma. a

Benign (n = 82) Borderline (n = 182) Locally invasive (n = 212)
Variable aHR (95% CI) P value aHR (95% CI) P value aHR (95% CI) P value
Age 1.09 (1.03-1.16) .004 1.07 (1.04-1.1) <.0001
 Black 6.04 (1.4-26.11) .016
 Hispanic 21.23 (2.18-207.06) .009
 Asian/Pacific Islander
Primary payor
 Private insurance 1.00
 Medicare, Medicaid, other govt 4.76 (1.61-14.07) .005
 Not insured
Charlson-Deyo score
 0 1.00
 1 4.63 (1.11-19.31) .035 1.68 (0.57-4.91) .346
 2 55.17 (9.96-305.64) <.0001
Primary site
 Carotid body 1.00
 Intracranial 0.71 (0.14-3.6) .684
 Cranial nerves b 1.28 (0.24-6.65) .772
 Skin, connective tissue, lymphatics 2.44 (0.83-7.14) .105
 Pituitary, pineal, other endocrine 26.13 (4.66-146.42) <.0001
 Peripheral and autonomic nerves 1.32 (0.16-11.04) .798
 Middle ear 4.33 (0.51-36.49) .177
 Nasal cavity, nasopharynx, sinus 6.34 (1.3-30.94) .022
 Oral cavity 0.5 (0.06-3.88) .506
Distant metastasis status
 Negative 1.00
 Positive 2.1 (0.93-4.76) .075
Overall treatment
 Surgery only 1.00 1.00
 Radiation only 6.99 (0.67-73.43) .105 1.2 (0.36-3.97) .769
 Chemotherapy only 0.55 (0.06-4.96) .592
 Surgery and XRT 40.45 (2.94-556.66) .006 0.31 (0.11-0.88) .027
 Surgery and chemotherapy 5.17 (0.47-57.01) .180
 XRT and chemotherapy 4.08 (0.84-19.87) .082
 Active surveillance/no treatment 24.23 (2.3-255.72) .008 2.33 (0.63-8.6) .206
 Negative 1.00
 Positive 4.13 (1.41-12.05) .010

Abbreviations: aHR, adjusted hazard ratio; XRT, radiation.


Variables eligible for inclusion in multivariate model through forward stepwise selection: age, sex, race, primary payor, Charlson-Deyo score, primary site, greatest tumor dimension, regional lymph node status, distant metastasis, overall treatment, and margins. Missing values indicate variables not included in model or insufficient sample size for Cox proportional hazards model. Overall model: P < .0001. P < .05 (bold) indicates statistical significance.


Includes cranial nerves I-VII and IX-XII.