Figure 6.
Impact of solute entropy corrections on our MMPB/GBSA calculations. (A) Spearman’s rank (rs, unhashed bars) and Pearson’s r (rp, hashed bars) values determined for MMPB/GBSA calculations on the 1G4 test set with ϵint set to 6 (Di 6). Results are presented using a variable number of waters without any entropy corrections included as well as with the Trunc-NMA and Int-Entropy approaches. (B) Exemplar scatter plots for the 1G4 test set with the PBSA approach (with ϵint set to 6) including 50 explicit water molecules. Panels compare no entropy corrections (left), with Int-Entropy corrections (middle) and with Trunc-NMA corrections (right). (C) Impact of the inclusion of the Int-Entropy correction to the A6 data set, with the rs and rp values colored as in (A). All results are without any explicit water molecules included. (D) Exemplar scatter plots for the A6 test set with the PBSA approach (with ϵint set to 6) and no explicit water molecules. Panels compare no entropy corrections (left), with Int-Entropy corrections (right). More complete results, including comparing the effect of removing outliers, are provided in Figure S11.