Reducing ERK MAPK signaling suppresses rab-3; sax-7 uncoordinated locomotion. (A) Null alleles of ksr-1 or mpk-1 suppress rab-3; sax-7 uncoordinated locomotion; yet ksr-1 or mpk-1 null animals themselves are not Unc. Here, we used the sax-7(eq1) allele. (B) Graphs tracing the movements of 10 random animals per strain over a span of 1 min. Each colored line represents the tracks of an individual animal with the point of origin marked as a black circle in the center (0,0 coordinate). These graphs reveal that loss of ksr-1 or mpk-1 effectively suppress rab-3; sax-7 reduced ability to disperse. (C) The ability to disperse, quantified as the radial distance traveled by each animal over a span of 1 min, is illustrated in a scatter plot where each point is a data point for a single animal; the mean with the 95% confidence interval is marked in red. n = 50–75, P-values are shown; n.s., not significant, one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni’s post hoc test.