Mllt11 loss progressively perturbed the formation of UL CPNs. A–O, Coronal cortical slices stained for cortical layer markers. A, B, Coronal cortical slices stained for Satb2 expression were similar between Mllt11 cKOs and controls at E14.5 (A) but displayed decreased numbers of Satb2+ cells in upper bins, and an apical shift at E16.5 (B). C, Mllt11 cKO cortices displayed decreased Satb2+ cell numbers and apical shift at E18.5 compared with controls. D, E, CDP/Cux1+ cell numbers were largely normal at E14.5 (D), but began to decrease at E16.5 (E). F, CDP/Cux1 levels were severely decreased in Mllt11 cKOs compared with controls at E18.5. G–I, Distribution of TdTomato expression in the cortex was comparable between controls and cKOs at E14.5 (G), E16.5 (H), and E18.5 (I). J–L, Tbr1 levels and localization were comparable between control and cKO at E14.5 (J) and E16.5 (K), but its expression domain exhibited an apical shift at E18.5 (L). M–O, Ctip2+ cell numbers and localization were largely unaltered in cKO at E14.5 (M) and E16.5 (N) but exhibited an apical shift in expression domain at E18.5 (O). Line charts represent percentage of positive cells normalized to DAPI+ nuclei per 100 × 100 μm bin (A–F, J–O) and percentage of total TdTomato+ cells per 100 × 100 μm bin (G–I). Student's t test with Welch's correction, (A, E, J, L–O) N = 4, (F–I) N = 5, (G) N = 5 controls, 6 mutants, (K) N = 4 controls, 5 mutants. Data presented as mean ± SD n.s., not significant; *p ≤ 0.05, **p ≤ 0.01, ***p ≤ 0.001, ****p ≤ 0.0001. Scale bar: 50 μm (A–O). VZ, ventricular zone. UL CPNs, upper layer cortical projection neurons. See Extended Data Figure 2-1.