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. 2022 May 3;11:e74835. doi: 10.7554/eLife.74835

Appendix 1—table 2. Results of the model-based single-trial analysis in study 1.

Columns are organized as in Table 1 of the main text.

Study 1: Model cluster x[mm] y[mm] z[ms] t66 Z pFWE kE twsig[ms]
Low-level PE: pos. 1 –60 –57 176 14.19 Inf 0.000 5583 108–228
–17 72 144 12.43 Inf 0.000
–8 72 144 12.41 Inf 0.000
2 47 –36 360 6.53 5.71 0.000 1353 284–400
42 –41 336 6.51 5.70 0.000
47 –41 400 5.71 5.13 0.001
3 –55 –25 400 6.06 5.38 0.000 423 360–400
4 68 18 192 4.79 4.42 0.013 4 184–196
5 –42 –30 312 4.58 4.25 0.025 12 312–316
Low-level PE: neg. 1 -8 -3 176 16.40 Inf 0.000 7361 100–232
4 29 168 15.84 Inf 0.000
2 –13 –14 400 6.51 5.70 0.000 663 364–400
Low-level PE: PLA >BIP 1 –26 –30 328 4.46 4.15 0.036 8 328–332
Low-level PE: BIP > PLA 1 42 –62 336 4.91 4.51 0.009 47 328–344
2 38 –62 392 4.43 4.13 0.040 10 388–396
High-level PE: pos. 1 -8 –36 324 8.48 6.95 0.000 3679 248–400
–13 –46 364 7.77 6.52 0.000
–26 –68 400 5.60 5.04 0.001
2 4 72 392 6.53 5.71 0.000 208 364–400
3 8 –95 220 5.21 4.75 0.003 79 212–228
4 4 61 212 4.46 4.15 0.036 11 208–212
21 61 212 4.41 4.11 0.042
High-level PE: neg. 1 64 –52 328 6.79 5.89 0.000 2483 272–400
34 13 380 6.10 5.41 0.000
60 –36 284 6.06 5.38 0.000
2 –55 –46 308 4.85 4.47 0.011 165 296–320
3 0 50 276 4.77 4.40 0.014 20 260–280
4 30 –30 216 4.76 4.40 0.014 97 208–224
4 2 216 4.59 4.26 0.024
5 13 –95 320 4.49 4.18 0.033 4 316–324
6 –21 40 256 4.41 4.11 0.042 2 252–256
High-level PE: BIP > PLA 1 -8 –14 360 5.35 4.86 0.002 327 336–376