Table 2.
Characteristics of the interventions
First author (year) | Country | Virtual Patient tool name | Need to gather data | Delivery | Clinical topic | No. cases | Approximate time to complete one case | Delivered on single or multiple occasions | Feedback used | Reflection used |
Aghili et al. 2012 | Iran | Not reported | Yes | Solo | Endocrinology | 2 | Not reported | Multiple | Yes | No |
Botezatu et al. 2010 | Colombia | Web-SP | No | Solo | Haematology and cardiology | 6 | 1 h | Multiple | Yes | No |
Chon et al. 2019 | Germany | EMERGE | Yes | Solo | Surgery | 4 | 15 min | Multiple | Yes | No |
Dekhtyar et al. 2021 | USA | i-Human Patients | Yes | Solo | Abdominal pain and loss of consciousness | 3 | Not reported | Single | Yes | No |
Devitt & Palmer 1998 | Australia | MEDICI | No | Solo | Liver disease | 5 | 18 min | Multiple | Yes | No |
Isaza-Restrepo et al. 2018 | Colombia | The Virtual Patient: Simulator of Clinical Case | Yes | Solo | Gastroenterology | 16 | 2 h | Multiple | Yes | No |
Kahl et al. 2010 | Germany | Not reported | No | Group | Psychiatry | Not reported | Not reported | Multiple | No | No |
Kalet et al. 2007 | USA | WISE-MD | No | Solo | Surgery | Not reported | Not reported | Multiple | No | No |
Kim et al. 2018 | USA | MedU | No | Solo | Multiple | 22 (these were required but access to more) | Not reported | Multiple | Yes | No |
Kleinert et al. 2015 | Germany | ALICE | Yes | Solo | Cancer | 3 | Not reported | Single | Yes | No |
Lehmann et al. 2015 | Germany | CAMPUS | No | Solo | Paediatrics | 2 | 1 h | Multiple | Yes | No |
Middeke et al. 2018 | Germany | EMERGE | Yes | Solo | Accident & emergency | 40 | 9 min | Multiple | Yes | No |
Plackett et al. 2020 | UK | eCREST | Yes | Solo | Cardio-respiratory | 3 | 13 min | Multiple | Yes | Yes |
Qin et al. 2022 | China | Not reported | No | Solo | Radiology | 5 | 12 min | Multiple | Yes | No |
Raupach et al. 2009 | Germany | Clix ® | No | Group | Cardio-respiratory | 1 | 10 h | Multiple | No | No |
Raupach et al. 2021 | Germany | Not reported | Yes | Solo | Cardio-respiratory | 48 | 11 min | Multiple | Yes | No |
Sobocan et al. 2017 | Slovenia | MedU | Not reported | Group | Internal medicine | Not reported | Not reported | Multiple | No | No |
Watari et al. 2021 | Japan | ®Body Interact, Coimbra, Portugal | Not reported | Solo | Cardiology and psychiatry | 2 | 20 min | Single | No | No |
Wu et al. 2014 | China | Not reported | Yes | Solo | Nephrology | 4 | 5 h | Multiple | No | No |