Fig. 3. FtsA R286W shows faster membrane exchange than FtsA WT, while the self-interaction of both proteins is enhanced in the presence of FtsNcyto.
a Representative single-molecule kymographs of Cy5-FtsA WT (green) and Cy5-FtsA R286W (cyan) at increasing concentrations. b With higher concentrations the mobility of both proteins decreases and the residence time increases, but R286W remains 10x more mobile and has a 2-7x lower lifetime. Thick line indicates the mean value, shaded area represents 95% confidence interval; n = 3. c Schematic of the experiment to measure FRET between Cy3-FtsA (donor) and Cy5-FtsA (acceptor). d, e Representative montage of acceptor photobleaching experiment with FtsA WT (d) or R286W (e). Scale bars are 5 µm. f Kymographs from acceptor photobleaching experiments, and corresponding donor signal for FtsA WT (green) and R286W (cyan). Scale bars are 4 µm and 20 s, respectively. g Representative curves showing acceptor (top) and donor fluorescence intensities (bottom) for FtsA WT (green) and R286W (cyan). h Left: FtsA WT FRET increases at higher concentrations, FtsZ slightly decreases, while FtsNcyto and FtsZ/FtsNcyto increase FtsA self-interaction. Right: FtsA R286W FRET increases with concentration, but is significantly lower than for WT. FtsZ and FtsNcyto increase FRET, and with both the FRET signal of WT and R286W are indistinguishable. i Left: Off-rates remain slow with increasing concentrations of WT. FtsNcyto and FtsNcyto/FtsZ further decrease the exchange. Right: Off-binding rates remain constantly high with increasing concentrations of FtsA R286W. FtsNcyto and FtsNcyto/FtsZ decrease the rate, but it remains higher than for WT. j Left: Dcoeff drops with increasing FtsA WT concentrations and decreases further with FtsZ and FtsNcyto. Right: Dcoeff remains unchanged at increased concentrations of FtsA R286W. FtsNcyto and FtsZ slow down R286W, which remains more mobile than WT. Dots in all plots represent independent experiments, thick lines indicate the mean and error bars depict the standard deviation. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.