Table 2.
Summary description of included studies
Descriptive characteristic |
Number of papers a |
Year of Publication (range) | |
1990-1999 | 11 |
2000-2009 | 23 |
2010-2020 | 9 |
Countryb | |
USA | 31 |
Canada | 6 |
Japan | 3 |
South Africa | 2 |
Netherlands | 2 |
Australia | 1 |
Qatarc | 1 |
Singaporec | 1 |
UAEc | 1 |
Publication Type | |
Opinion paper/commentd | 21 |
Primary research article | 22 |
Research Paradigm | |
Quantitative | 16 |
Qualitative | 4 |
Mixed | 2 |
N/A | 21 |
Source of Informatione | |
Clinician teachers/educators (clinical faculty with a primary focus on clinical service and teaching/education) | 12 |
Expert opinion (e.g., faculty with clinical experiences) | 21 |
Trainees (medical students, residents) | 7 |
Organizational leaders/decision-makers (e.g., deans, promotion committee chairs, clinical department heads) | 5 |
aNumber of papers indicates those papers in which each characteristic was reported
bFour of the references originated out of multiple countries
cOne of the references105 includes a multi-site study that reports findings from three countries in Asia.
dNLM refers to commentary, editorial comment, viewpoint, perspective type papers as work consisting of a critical/explanatory note written to discuss, support, or dispute other works previously published
eThe source of information refers to the target participants in primary research articles (e.g., clinician teachers) and to the authors of position papers. Three of the references had more than one source of information.