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. 2022 May 7;19(9):5697. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19095697

Table 1.

Studies on environmental enrichment’s effects in healthy animals.

Reference Species
(Age or Weight at the Start of
Environmental Enrichment)
Environmental Enrichment Type
Environmental Enrichment Effects on Cerebellar Structure and Function
(Age at the Effect Evaluations)
Uphouse, 1978 [68] Male Fischer rats
(28 days)
Environmental enrichment
—without running wheels; with novelty manipulation
(32 days)
Increased chromatin level
(2 months)
Uphouse and Tedeschi, 1979 [69] Male Fischer rats
(28 days)
Environmental enrichment
—without running wheels; with novelty manipulation
(60 days)
Unchanged chromatin level
(about 3 months)
Naka et al., 2002 [67] Male ICR mice
(28 days)
Environmental enrichment
—with running wheels and novelty manipulation
(40 days)
Increased noradrenaline expression; unchanged serotonin and metabolites expression
(about 2 months)
Nithianantharajah et al., 2004 [64] Female C57BL/6 mice
(28 days)
Environmental enrichment
—with running wheels and novelty manipulation
(30 days)
Unchanged synaptophysin level
(about 2 months)
Angelucci et al., 2009 [57] Male Wistar rats
(21 days)
Environmental enrichment
—with running wheels and novelty manipulation
(about 120 days)
Increased nerve growth factor (NGF) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels
(140 days)
Pascual and Bustamante, 2013 [65] Male Sprague–Dawley rats
(22 days)
Environmental enrichment
—with running wheels and novelty manipulation
(10 days)
Unchanged anxiety-like behavior
(33–34 days);
unchanged vermal Purkinje cell dendritic outgrowth
(36 days)
Vazquez-Sanroman et al., 2013 [66] Male Balb/c AnNHsd mice
(21 days)
Environmental enrichment
—without running wheels; with novelty manipulation
(1/4/8 weeks)
After 1 week: unchanged pro-BDNF and mature BDNF proteins; increased BDNF immunoreactivity at granular layer; unchanged BDNF immunoreactivity at Purkinje layer
(4 weeks)
After 4 weeks: increased BDNF immunoreactivity at granular and Purkinje layers
(7 weeks)
After 8 weeks: increased pro-BDNF and mature BDNF proteins; increased BDNF immunoreactivity at granular and Purkinje layers
(11 weeks)
De Bartolo et al., 2015 [62] Male Wistar rats
(21 days)
Environmental enrichment
—with running wheels and novelty manipulation
(about 100 days)
Increased cerebellar Purkinje cell dendritic spine density and size
(about 120 days)
Horvat et al., 2015 [72] Male Wistar rats
(6 months)
Environmental enrichment
—without running wheels; with novelty manipulation
(21 days)
Increased pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide
(PACAP) 27 expression; unchanged PACAP 38 expression
(27 weeks)
Scholz et al., 2015 [71] Male C57BL/B6 mice
(7 weeks)
Environmental enrichment
—with running wheels and novelty manipulation—based on a three-level maze, without objects
(24 h; 21 days)
Improved spatial learning
(10 weeks);
decreased volume
(about 7 weeks; 10 weeks)
Eshra et al., 2019 [70] C57BL/6 mice
(at birth)
Environmental enrichment
—with running wheels and novelty manipulation
(70–80 days)
Improved motor performance;
higher granule cell firing frequency
(70–80 days)
Kim et al., 2019 [63] C57BL/6 mice
(3 weeks)
Environmental enrichment
—with running wheels and novelty manipulation
(28 days)
Selective increase in parallel fiber-to-Purkinje cell synapses of same dendritic origin, with local synaptic strengthening
(7 weeks)

Note: unless otherwise specified, the described effects involve the entire cerebellar structure.