Table 2.
Summarizes various drugs and their mechanism of action to induce ferroptosis in therapy-resistant CSCs.
Drug | Mechanism | Tumor Type | References |
Iron chelators | Degrades ferritin, promotes LIP expression, and induces HMOX-1 expression | Breast, ovarian, colorectal, pancreatic, cervical | [80,81,82,83,84] |
SLC7A11 inhibitors | Inhibits cysteine uptake thereby reducing glutathione levels | Glioma, breast, lung, melanoma, cervical, prostrate, neuroblastoma | [25,78,79] |
GPx-4 inhibitors | Inhibit the enzyme activity of GPx-4 thereby enhancing lipid peroxides | Leukaemia, lymphoma, sarcoma, ovarian cancer, pancreatic, lung | [85,86,87] |
Cysteinase | Glutathione inhibitor that degrades cysteine and cystine | Prostrate, pancreatic, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia | [88,89] |
FINO2 | Indirectly inactivates GPx-4; promotes ROS accumulation by oxidizing PUFAs and ferrous iron | Fibrosarcoma | [90,91] |