Prevalence of closed and open systems in youth not-light current ENDS users, PATH Study Waves 4, 4.5, and 5 a,b. Compared to open system use, the odds of closed system use for each one wave increase was 1.11 times (95% CI: 0.97, 1.28) the odds of closed system use at the previous wave (p = 0.132) c. a Current ENDS use is any ENDS use in the past 30 days. Not-light current ENDS users used ENDS more than once in their lifetime. For device type—Waves 4 and 4.5: Closed systems are devices that are not rechargeable, or devices that are rechargeable and use cartridges; open systems are devices that are rechargeable, do not use cartridges, and are refillable. Wave 5: Closed systems are disposable e-cigarettes or e-cigarettes that use pre-filled pods or cartridges; open systems are e-cigarettes with a refillable tank or mod systems. Device type categorization for Wave 5 includes not-light current ENDS users only (i.e., the primary analytic population). b Wave 4 is 2016–2017, Wave 4.5 is 2017–2018, and Wave 5 is 2018–2019. For each wave, percentage estimates of the prevalence of primary closed and open system ENDS use are weighted. Ns presented are unweighted. c Unadjusted logistic regression was used to test for a trend (cross-sectional) in the prevalence of primary closed system ENDS use (compared to open system) across waves. Abbreviations: ENDS = Electronic nicotine delivery system; PATH = Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health.