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. 2022 Apr 20;19(9):4977. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19094977

Table 3.

Characteristics that differ by nutrition incentive program setting of use: grocery store, farmers’ market, or both (at p < 0.1).

Nutrition Incentive Program Users
Grocery Store Only
(n = 83)
Farmers’ Market Only
(n = 41)
(n = 15)
p-Value for Difference
Median IQR a Median IQR a Median IQR a
Economic Domain
Over the past 6 months, about how much Produce Perks did you receive from the location of first use? 20 10, 50 20 10, 50 100 20, 200 0.030 b
Service Domain
How does the variety of fresh fruits and vegetables at your primary store compare to the variety of fresh fruits and vegetables at the farmers’ market? (1 = much greater variety, 5 = much less variety) 3 2, 4 4 3, 5 4 3, 5 <0.001 b
Spatial Temporal Domain
Number of visits per month to your primary store 4 2, 8 3 2, 4 2 3, 4 0.009 b
Social Domain
Think about friends, family, or people you know, about how many shopped at the promoted store offering Produce Perks over the past 6 months? (1 = none, 5 = all) 3 2, 5 2 2, 3 2.5 2, 4 0.054 b
Think about friends, family, or people you know, about how many have shopped at your farmers’ market over the past 6 months? (1 = none, 5 = all) 2 2, 3 2 1, 3 2.5 2, 4 0.091 b
Personal Domain
Number of months since first Produce Perks use 3 1, 7 13 2, 30 8 3, 36 <0.001 b
How often do you purchase fruits and vegetables when you go to your primary store? (1 = never, 5 = always) 4 3, 5 5 4, 5 5 5, 5 <0.001 b
Number of times per month ate “other” vegetables (beyond beans, dark green or orange vegetables) 12 6, 28 20 8, 30 30 15, 30 0.007 b
Confidence in preparing fresh green vegetables (1 = not at all confident,
5 = extremely confident)
4 4, 5 5 4, 5 5 5, 5 0.008 b
Confidence in preparing root vegetables (1 = not at all confident,
5 = extremely confident)
4 4, 5 5 4, 5 5 4, 5 0.018 b
Education Frequency % Frequency % Frequency % 0.025 b
Some high school or less 8 9.6 0 0.0 0 0.0
High school graduate 38 45.8 16 38.1 3 20.0
Some college or more 37 44.6 26 61.9 12 80.0
Median IQR a Median IQR a Median IQR a
Age in years 56 37, 62 60 47, 69 53 42, 57 0.038 b
Frequency % Frequency % Frequency %
Black, race 63 75.9 23 54.8 10 66.7 0.056 c
Median IQR a Median IQR a Median IQR a
Number of times per month ate beans 3 2, 4 4 2, 5 4 3, 8 0.062 b
Number of adults in your household 1
1, 1 1
1, 2 1
1, 2 0.067 b
Number of times per month cooked meals made from scratch or using whole foods 16 8, 30 20 12, 30 28 20, 30 0.076 b

a Interquartile range. b Kruskal–Wallis (non-parametric analog of ANOVA, assumes ordinal rather than normally distributed interval). c Fisher’s exact test (non-parametric analog of the chi-squared test).